Page 8 of My Merciless Don
“Okay I’m gonna say goodnight now. Call if you need anything.”
I gave a sigh. “Unfortunately, this next part, I gotta do on my own.”
“Good night, Audry.”
“Night Kylie.”
The line in my in-ear earplug went off, and I curled up tighter and closed my eyes, determined to get some rest. It was difficult when my feet were cold. I wished Marco had brought me socks.
All this suffering for what? I thought bitterly. Then I remembered just why I was enduring all these indignities. My stepfather had set a target for my brother and me.
A challenge.
Whoever pulled off the better heist the fastest, would be named heir to his legacy. My stepfather, James Martin, was a con artist extraordinaire. He had built up a massive empire and he could only pass it to one of us.
I was determined that it would be me.
It was hard to sleep. Not just because I’d been robbed but also just thinking about the mystery of Audry. The resemblance to Amy wasn’t just artificial. She had some of the same mannerisms. Like the left corner of her mouth turning down when she didn’t get what she wanted, or the slight twitch in her hand when she was afraid. I just didn’t know what to do with all of this.
Valerio and I had discussed things and we’d decided that the first priority was to get the money back. If the other families even got an inkling that we’d allowed such a major security breach, there would be hell to pay.
I turned over to the side, looking towards the window. I had an apartment in Hollywood but until this cluster fuck was solved, I didn’t intend to leave the compound. Still, the fact that this wasn’t my usual bed might have had something to do with my inability to sleep.
Much as I enjoyed my role as boss of my clan, the constant pressure was something I needed time away from now and then. My Hollywood apartment was my haven – a place where I could just be Marco, the man, rather than the mob boss.
This Audry thief had me feeling so unsettled, so wrong-footed that I wasn’t sure what was up and what was down. I opened the drawer and plucked a cigarette from my stash. Slipping out of bed, I went over to the window, lit up and watched the rain fall. It was always a cozy thing to do, watching inclement weather from a warm place.
Is she warm?
I knew the dungeons were cold because we didn’t heat them. I knew that Audry wasn’t as comfortable as I was. Forcefully suppressing the urge to go and check on her, I reminded myself I had to be the one in control.
“What’s your full name?”
Audry glared at me from across the room. She was sitting on a chair, but was not restrained. It wasn’t as if she could go anywhere.
“It’s Audry Martin. I’m thirty-one years old, enjoy long walks on the beach and-”
“Robbery?” I interrupted.
She snorted. “That’s just my day job. I’m a con artist.”
“Congratulations. Where’s my money?”
“Do you know James Martin?”
I cocked an eyebrow. Of course, I’d heard that name. It was legendary in the underworld. “Let me guess, he’s your husband?”
“Ew, no. He’s, my stepfather.”
I inclined my head. “I see. And what does James Martin want with my money?”
She shrugged, “I just follow orders.”
I walked slowly over to her, holding her gaze. I leaned forward, my hands bracketing her on the arms of her chair. “You’re gonna have to do better than that.” I said softly.