Page 1 of Mikhail Petrov
Dallas, Texas
I hate being late. Lateness is equivalent to laziness. And my reputation and name mean everything to me. As the oldest of my brothers, I’ll sit at the head of the table one day, take over my father’s business dealings, and rub elbows with the vilest of society’s underbelly. Sure, I can demand respect and take it, but there’s something about earning it that sets a man apart.
The chime of my phone breaks through the low hum of music in my car and pulls me from my thoughts.
“How far out?” Rodrigo’s voice blares through the speaker, a loud bass thumping in the background.
“About fifteen.”
“Everyone is hungry. We’re waiting on your ass.”
It’s Emilio Castellanos’s sixtieth birthday celebration. Rodrigo’s father and family have been long-time allies of ours. While I would have instead spent my Saturday night at home, a glass of scotch as company, part of my obligations in Dallas is maintaining relations and alliances. This is an easy task where Rodrigo is concerned since he’s more of a brother to me than a business partner.
“I’ll be there...” My voice trails off as I catch sight of a smoking car up ahead, its hood raised. Any other time, I’d keep driving, but something interesting draws my rapt attention.
“Rod, I’ll see you soon.”
Without waiting for a response, I end the call and cross the median, veering onto the shoulder and stopping about twenty feet behind the stalled vehicle. The road is desolate, and the sun has just begun to set. It’s not the safest scenario for a woman in such a vulnerable state.
Why I give a fuck is another story.
As I round the hood, a pair of legs—sleek and tanned—in light-colored denim shorts, revealing the underside of a sweet, plump ass, is all I can see as the rest of her is bent over the billowing steam.
My cock twitches as I imagine taking her just like that, out here in the open. “Fuck, fuck!” she shrieks and pounds the car, clearly frustrated.
“Hey.” My tone rushes out, colder than I intended, causing her to stiffen and go quiet. A beat later, she twists around with a Glock trained on my chest. For a fraction of a second, I reach for my weapon until awareness dawns on us both.
Leah Castellanos.
She gasps and holsters her gun, a broad, almost relieved smile lighting up her beautiful face. Fuck me. She’s gorgeous.
Always pretty. But now... she’s something else.
A woman.
That’s all it takes for her to break and rush me. Tears fill her eyes as she throws her arms around my waist.
I hesitate before returning the hug, uncomfortable with the thoughts I’d had as I pulled up.
The ones I’m still having while she’s nestled in my arms.
And damn it all, if she doesn’t feel perfect.
“I’m so happy to see you. This piece of shit was all they had for rent. It started smoking, and I tried to remember what Rodri taught me, but—”
I cut off her rambling. “It’s okay. I’ll get you home.”