Page 6 of Stay With Me
I bite my lower lip as Roman walks over toward the couch in the sitting area. But I stay where I am, arms hugging my lower half, eyes cast to the ground as I contemplate what to do. Do I stay? Would he even want me to stay?
Of course, he doesn’t; I’m his daughter’s best friend. There’s no way.
“Ava.” His deep voice makes me jump out of my own head.
My eyes snap up, and I swallow hard when they land on him. He leans back against the couch, placing his arms across the top of the cushions.
He’s so damn handsome. I lick my lips as my eyes trail down his body, taking in every inch of his physique. I wonder what he looks like without anything on. I can already tell by the way his thighs and arms press against the fabric of his clothes that he works out.
“Ava,” he says my name again, but this time it’s laced with something. Lust? Surely, I’m wrong.
“Sorry,” I whisper, blood pounding in my ears and my heart racing so fast I feel light-headed. Or maybe that’s just the effect he has on me.
“Don’t apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong. I’d just like your attention so I can ask you a few questions.”
“Okay.” I nod, shifting from one foot to the other. I’m not exactly uncomfortable to find myself in this situation. If anything, there’s some kind of odd thrill running through me that he ended up being my very first client.
It’s like some twist of fate.
But I’m also dreading the embarrassment that’s sure to follow when he lectures me and sends me on my way. I’m not embarrassed that someone other than my best friend knows about this job. I’m not ashamed, but did it have to be him of all people? This is going to hurt my pride and my heart.
“Why don’t you sit?” he suggests, nodding toward the chair across from him.
I give him a little nod and carefully take my seat, making sure to keep the coat closed so as not to reveal what I have on underneath. Although seeing as he called for an escort, I’m sure he has some kind of idea.
“I’m going to get right to it. Why are you here, Ava?”
I take a deep breath before I speak. “Well, you called for one of Madam Millie’s girls, and she sent me.”
He narrows his eyes. “You know very well that’s not what I meant. Why are you doing this as a job?”
I chew on my lower lip, wondering what I should tell him. The motion causes his eyes to drop to my lips. Is that heat I see in his eyes? My core warms at the idea.
“As you know, I went to nursing school.” I try to keep the tremble out of my voice.
“Yes.” He nods.
“Well, the scholarship I got only covered my tuition, books, and meal plan. I had to take out a student loan for everything else.”
“Tasha mentioned you got a nursing job at one of the hospitals when you graduated. Why would you need another job?”
“Because, Sir.”
There’s a rumbling sound that leaves Roman’s chest. It’s so low that I almost miss it. My breath catches as I resist the urge to clench my thighs. This man knows how to get me going without even trying. All I need to do is look at him, and I’m wet. Here I am in the same room with him, alone, and he looks like that. Like he’s not mad at all that it was me who was standing on the other side of the door when he opened it.
“As badly as I wanted a job as a nurse, no one local was hiring. Plus, after doing some research, I found out that if I depended on that job alone to pay for my everyday life, as well as paying off my loans, I’d end up making payments for the rest of my life. The diner I was working at hardly put a dent in my accruing bills. “I met Madam Millie, and she offered me this job. I saw it as a sign, so I took it. This way, I’ll be able to pay off my loans in no time, maybe even have a little extra to put into the bank.”
His jaw ticks as he glares at me. He looks pissed. Dread sinks in my belly, but I’m not going to let him make me feel ashamed of my job.
“That’s the plan? Sleep with strange, rich men for money?” Yeah, he’s pissed.
“With all due respect, Sir, this is my life, my body. What I choose to do with it is no one’s business but my own. Sex work is valid work. I’m not ashamed of it.” I lift my chin, praying he doesn’t see how hard I’m trying not to cower under his intense gaze.
“I am not shaming it, Ava. I called for a girl to come to me tonight, did I not? I’m not against it. I’m against you doing it.”
My brows furrow. “But why?”
“Because...” He clears his throat. “You’re my daughter’s best friend. I don’t want you to be taken advantage of.”