Page 39 of Echoes of Eternity
Two weeks later, on the last day of school, Emily was in the teachers’ lounge during lunch. As she dipped her plastic spoon into her pudding cup, she tapped Ryan’s name on her cellphone. She was eager to see how he was doing since finally being released from the hospital after his additional shoulder surgery and physical therapy.
“How’s home?”
“It’s not home without you. It’s just a house. How’s work going today?”
Glancing around the empty teachers’ lounge, she let out a sigh. “I had a teacher stop me in the hall earlier and explain to me how to discipline one of my kids in class. I guess Johnny shoved one of her kids and she thought it was best if he skipped recess.”
“What’d you say?”
“I told her I’m not doing that, but that I would deal with it and be sure to speak with him.”
“She wasn’t impressed. Then she and the other teachers gave me nasty looks at recess. It wasn’t great. I’m just tired of working in a Christian school where teachers don’t act like Christians.”
“Christian or not, they’re still sinners.”
“True. How’s the pain?”
“It’s starting to come back since my medicine is wearing off, but I’m really relaxed and just want to chill in my bed and watch this Western a bit longer.”
“Don’t wait too long. I’m really glad you’re home now.”
“I agree. And soon, I’ll be out of the sling and all healed up. Steven is being so cool. He came over earlier today and brought me my favorite breakfast burrito.”
“That’s so nice of him.”
She attempted to hide the wave of uneasiness filling her at the thought of his being fully healed and back working the grill and doing website work. The last couple of weeks had been wonderful. They spent a lot of time together up at the hospital. It had felt like a glimmer of what used to be between them.
“What, Em?”
“I promise it won’t go back to the way it was before. God has been teaching me so much these last two weeks I’ve been lying on my back.”
“Okay, Ryan . . .” She hoped but held doubt in her heart.
“I think I'd better get up and to the restroom and take some medicine. I love you.”
“Love you too.” Pitching her trash near the door in the lounge, she exited into the hallway and headed for the restroom. As she began to push open the door to go in, she could hear two teachers inside. Miss Betty and Mrs. Letz. She paused before entering when she heard Ryan’s name on their lips.
“I heard they found booze in the car at Tom’s wrecking yard.”
“Psh.” Mrs. Letz replied, “I wouldn’t doubt it, and her daughter doing drugs at school? This family is not good for Cedarwood Creek.”
She took a step back, her heart breaking apart in the moment. Keeping herself from crying, she went down the hall and found a side door that led out into the courtyard of the school. Seeing Sarah across the courtyard sitting over on a bench, she ventured over to her and sat down.
“You look upset. Everything okay with Ryan?”
“Yes. He’s fine and resting at home now.” Wiping her cheeks, Emily let out a heavy sigh. “Let’s . . .” She paused for emphasis. “Just say I’m happy it’s summer break after today.”
Sarah nodded lightly as she looked forward into the courtyard. “And let’s just say some teachers weren’t invited back. Bet you didn’t know that.”
Smiling at her, Emily shook her head. “I’m sorry. Just a little emotional today. Hearing people gossip about my family just breaks my heart.”
“Oh. The booze rumor?” Sarah lifted an eyebrow.
“Yeah . . . that’s the one.”