Page 41 of Echoes of Eternity
“Okay. When are you leaving?”
“Not sure, but soon.”
His mother grabbed her cup of tea and purse, then left the house. Ryan walked into the living room. A wave of sorrow washed over his heart as he sat down and raked a hand through his hair. He felt like he was losing another parent. Part of Ryan’s grief had been relieved just by being near his mother. It was like a part of his father was still alive whenever she was around. With her moving to Buffalo, Ryan knew he wouldn’t see her much, if at all. Possibly, once or twice a year for the rest of her life if he was lucky.
The medicine for the pain started to kick in. He felt more relaxed than usual after a dose. Thinking back to the kitchen, he realized he had taken three, not two.
A knock sounded on the door.
Standing up, he went over to answer the door with ease. At least the pain is gone, he thought.
It was Jason.
“Jason! So good to see you. Come on into my humble abode, Brother.”
Lifting an eyebrow, Jason walked in as he kept his gaze on Ryan. “You alright?”
“I’m great! How are you?”
They came into the living room and sat down on the couch. “I’m fine. Listen, why do you seem strange?”
“I’m not strange, you’re strange.” Ryan smiled from ear to ear. “I’m fine. I accidentally took just a little too much pain medicine.”
Keeping his eyes locked on his brother, Jason pulled out a piece of paper. “Can you talk, at least? Answer a question for me?”
“Yeah. I just feel a little loopy is all. I can talk.”
“Okay. So, there was a withdrawal a couple of weeks ago for $6,000 on the business bank account. I checked the date, and it was the date of the accident.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Do you know anything about it?”
“Of course.” He took a drink of his water and set the cup down on the coffee table. “That was for Linda and Tiffany.”
“Who are Linda and Tiffany? Wait.” Jason stood up. “Linda. That lady in Spokane?”
Ryan nodded slowly as he let out a heavy sigh of relief. “Yes, Brother. Her and her daughter, Tiffany. I got the money to help them out. They were facing eviction. I mean, come on. What would a Christian do? WWJD?”
Jason touched his forehead. “I’m confused. I thought the transfer was for the rescue mission?”
“No. It was for Linda, Bro.”
“So, wait. Did Dad cheat on Mom? Why would Dad help her? Why would you help her too?”
Lying over to one side, Ryan shook his head. “It’s just the right thing to do, Bro.”
“What? Why?” Jason’s voice edged up in tone.
“I don’t know why I said anything. You seem upset.”
“You need to talk to me.”
“Well . . .” Ryan shook his head with his eyes closed. “I’m not.”
Pulling into the driveway at home, she was surprised to see Jason’s truck. Once inside, she could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t happy.
“Boys, you can watch a show. I’m going to talk to your uncle outside.”