Page 48 of Echoes of Eternity
“Has he talked to you?”
He shook his head. “No. But I wanted to give you a heads-up about what I heard. I liked your father Frank a lot, Ryan, and I like you. Don’t let all the ugly this small town has discourage you. There’s still some good in it. They’ve just lost their way. I promise.”
Coming closer, Ryan gave him a hug and patted his back. “I know. I grew up here, and it was a different town altogether. Thank you for letting me know, Vern. You’re a good man.”
Waiting for the fireworks show to start that evening, Emily sat on the blanket with Ryan by her side and the boys in front of them. Jack and Conner both had glowsticks in hand, keeping their little hands busy as they waited for the big show to begin at ten o’clock.
As Ryan’s hand found his wife’s hand and their fingers interwove, she rested her head against his shoulder. Snuggling in closer to him, she felt close to him in both body and soul. A perfect end to a perfect day together, even if she hadn’t made any new friends like she had hoped.
“It went good today, huh?” She lifted her head and turned to look at him.
“Yeah . . .”
Sensing his pain over not seeing Jason, she gave his hand a squeeze. “I think he’ll come around, Ryan. You just need to be patient.”
“I know.” He dipped his head as he sighed. “It’s not just that. I think Bill is trying to get the town to push us out.”
Just then, Elizabeth came running up to them on the blanket. With tears running down her cheeks, she asked, “Mom? Can I talk to you?”
Jumping up from the blanket, she walked with Elizabeth a few paces. She touched her daughter’s arm and stopped her from going any further. “What’s going on? What’s wrong, honey?”
She shook her head as she wiped her cheeks. “Jasmine isn’t my friend anymore, and everyone hates me again!”
“What?” Confusion swirled in her mind. “What happened?”
The fireworks show began right then, and a huge explosion of color exploded directly above their heads. Elizabeth shook her head as she came closer and leaned in close to Emily. “Can we just go home? I don’t want to be here.”
Walking back to Ryan, Emily quickly explained the situation and said she’d see him at home. Walking with Elizabeth back toward the grill, she asked again, “What happened?”
“Everything was fine. We were at the rope swing and jumping off it into the water with everyone from youth group. It was a blast, Mom. Seriously, so much fun, and then Erica showed up.”
Arriving at the car, they got in and Emily looked over at her. “What happened when Erica got there?”
“She told everyone about Josh and me talking.”
Emily nodded, encouraging her to continue. Instead of any additional information, Elizabeth just started crying harder.
Touching her arm, she shook her head. “Honey, why does that matter?”
“Because, Mom, the whole youth group hates me now. Tonya used to date Josh, so when everyone heard we were talking, they were mad at me.”
Driving home, Emily parked in the driveway and shut off the car. She turned to her daughter. “Okay . . . and Jasmine? Why would this affect your relationship with her? She already knew about Josh.”
“I don’t know!” She started crying into her hands. “She is mad at me now too. Like, she just sided with everyone else . . .”
“I’m sorry. That must be difficult.”
“Yeah, it is. And now I have no friends again!” Getting out of the car, she ran into the house and slammed the front door.
Emily went in and tried to go into her room, but Elizabeth asked her to leave her alone.
Going into the living room, Emily bowed her head and began to pray for her daughter. “Please, Lord. Help Elizabeth. She needs You right now. This teenage girl drama is something I don’t miss from being in school, but I know how difficult it can be for a girl to go through.”
After waiting for Ryan to get home with the boys that night, Emily promptly spoke to him. She explained the situation and how Elizabeth had been sitting in her room with music blaring for the last hour and a half.
Smoothing a hand through his hair, Ryan looked toward the bedroom door. “Let’s go talk to her together.”
Grabbing his hand, Emily stopped him. “She needs space, Ryan.”