Page 62 of Echoes of Eternity
“But it’s true. They seriously are the worst. Did you know Grandpa spanked Jack? Chased him down the hall yesterday and caught him and slapped his behind.”
Emily silently freaked out inside. “I’ll talk to Grandpa. Just please be around them more.”
“Okay. When are you coming home?”
“I get off at three, but I’m meeting with a friend after school for coffee.”
“Can you pick us up? I think the boys and I would love an outing.”
After school, Emily picked her children up and headed over to her favorite coffee shop, Brick & Bell Cafe, in La Jolla. The boys got Italian sodas, Elizabeth a Chai latte, and Emily a caramel macchiato.
Sitting down at a table outside on the patio with Wendy, Emily positioned her chair to keep an eye on her kids who were all sitting across the way.
“It’s been too long!” Wendy smiled as she set her oversized sunglasses atop her perfectly done up dirty-blonde hair. “How have you been? You happy to be back in SoCal?”
Emily shrugged a shoulder. “It’s a little difficult to be back at my parents’ house.”
“Oof.” Taking a sip of her iced coffee, Wendy nodded slowly. “I bet. You never got along too much with them, and they never liked Ryan.”
“Which you'd think wouldn’t be a problem, but it really upsets me when they speak negatively about him . . .”
“Of course. You built a life with the man. It’s not like you walked away from your feelings. There’s going to be residue of what was while you make room for what will be.”
Lifting her eyebrows, Emily nodded in agreement. “That’s a good way to look at it.”
“That is, of course, if you truly plan to be done with him. Do you?”
She thought about it for a moment and shook her head. “I don’t feel like things are done with Ryan. I have hope.”
“What do you hope will happen? That he’ll move back or . . . ?”
“I’m not sure, but I don’t like the thought of divorce or not being with him. While I don’t know much, I do know this isn’t our ending.”
“Then why’d you leave?”
“Because I couldn’t take the pain anymore. He was living a separate life. Working all the time and then lying. And the worst part was he did it with such ease. I just knew I had to leave. As for the future . . . I don’t know. I’m just trying to pray a lot and seek God and wait upon Him to act.”
Taking a sip of her coffee, Wendy locked eyes on Emily’s children. “You know we go way back.”
“Yep. Edmond Elementary.”
“For as long as I knew you, Ryan and you were like glue. I was jealous.” Wendy’s gaze met Emily’s. “I remember wishing so badly for years that Tony was more like Ryan. I just don’t understand what happened to him. Do you think he lost his faith when he lost his dad or something?”
“No. He didn’t lose faith, but I do think losing his father changed him. It’s almost like the day Frank died, a part of Ryan died with him. And now Ryan is on this new weird journey in life. His heart is navigating the deep waters of grief. I think he’s trying to honor his father’s desires, but at the same time, he’s forgetting to live his life now with his family.”
“I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, girl. I hope things work out with you two.”
“Thanks. I’m hoping tonight helps.”
“What are you doing?”
“I found a women’s Bible study at my parents’ church. Do you want to go?”
“I’d love to, but Tony and I are going to the movies with some friends. Raincheck?”