Page 83 of Echoes of Eternity
“I know. Good stuff, right?” Conner smirked as he folded his hands and smiled from ear to ear.
“Great joke, bud.” Ryan smoothed a hand over his son’s head. “We’re almost to Cedarwood Creek, and your uncle and I need your help carrying those boxes. Don’t leave and go play games with your brother.”
Deflated, Conner said with a somber tone, “Okay . . .”
As they pulled up to the apartment complex, they were dumbfounded by the number of cars in the parking lot.
“What on earth is going on?” Ryan leaned over the steering wheel as he surveyed the parking lot at the four-plex. “When we stopped by to get the keys for her this morning, it was practically empty.”
Rounding the corner, they saw most of the town standing near the entrance to Linda’s new apartment and a big spot to park the truck. Ryan’s heart stirred with warmth and love at seeing them all clapping and cheering upon their arrival.
“Is that for Linda?” Jason shook his head slowly, surprised as well at the sight they were beholding. “It can’t be.”
Backing the moving truck into the spot in front of the apartment, they all three climbed out of the cab.
Bill was right outside his driver-side door to greet him. “Hey, Ryan. I hope you don’t mind, but I invited a few people to help unload.”
“The town?” Ryan laughed.
“They all wanted to help once they heard what was going on.”
Ryan knew in his heart right then that everything was going to be okay with Linda moving to town. Seeing the frightful Linda and her daughter Tiffany standing a ways off near her car, he called for them and motioned them over.
She didn’t move an inch.
He came over to Linda and Tiffany.
“What are all these people doing here?” she inquired of Ryan, a worried look in her eyes.
“It’s your welcoming party. They’re here for you.”
Covering her mouth, she began to cry. “What? Are you serious?”
“I know. God is good, isn’t He?”
Walking with her over to the back of the moving truck, Ryan began to introduce her to everyone.
As they finished unloading the truck a while later, Ryan walked a box marked Tiffany into the apartment and asked Linda where her daughter’s room was located. Walking in, she saw Elizabeth and Tiffany chatting as they sat on Tiffany’s bed. It was already made, and most of the walls were covered in posters and various pictures.
“Wow.” Ryan surveyed the room. “You unpack quickly.”
“Yep. You learn how when you move a lot.” Tiffany slipped off her bed and went over to her dresser. Lifting an old gold watch, she walked it over to him. “Here. This was our dad’s watch. I figured you’d like to have it.”
He smiled. “Thank you. But how’d you get this?”
“I don’t know. I’ve had it for a long time.”
Catching up with Jason outside, he handed him the watch.
“Where’d you find it?”
He shook his head, his eyes glued on Linda talking to Emily a few paces away. “I didn’t. Tiffany had it the whole time.”
“What? Really?” He shook his head as he inspected it. “This is really it. Wow.”
“It sure is. It was never lost, just took the long way getting to its rightful owner.”
That evening, Ryan took Emily to Spokane for a date at the Clinkerdagger. After their meal, they walked Riverfront park and then drove back home. Pulling into the driveway at ten o’clock, he put the car into park and was about to get out, but Emily touched his arm.