Page 22 of Blue Summer
“Uh, not really.”
My sister is out of the chair before I can tell him…and she is pissed.
“You son of a bitch! You obtuse mother fucker!” She goes for him, taking a swing but he just ducks before flipping her over his shoulder and giving her a shake.
“I told you to watch that mouth, Sunshine!” He brings his hand down on her ass causing her to squeal and my eyes to widen. Sunshine?
“You son of a…” He does it again, this time giving her a couple of smacks before yelping out in surprise.
“If you bite me one more time…”
“I think she’s alright, angel.” Roan is fighting back a smile and putting his gun away.
Chapter Twenty
“Angel?” Both of us turn to look at where Summer’s sister is hanging upside down on Roman’s shoulders. “Turn! Turn!”
She smacks his back and Roman does as she demands turning her so she can prop herself up on his back and stare at me and Summer.
“Angel? Did you just call my sister angel?”
I step closer to her and give her my hand, “I’m Roan and yes your sister is my angel and… my girl.”
I feel her come up beside me and wrap her hands around my arm. When I look down at her, she has a smile on her face. “I’m your girl?”
“Uh, fuck yes.”
She breaks out into a giant smile that lights up her eyes. I pull her to me and lower my head for a kiss but before I can take it, her sister is speaking again.
“That’s all very well and good, Mister She’s-Mine, but what are your intentions towards my sis… you know what, this would be a lot easier if you put my ass down. Just… put me down.”
He starts to lower her but stops just short of placing her on her feet, “Uh, not so fast, Sunshine. You aren’t wearing anything.”
“Oh, don’t you fucking start with me…”
He starts carrying her towards the stairs.
“Wait! Where are you taking my sister, Roman?”
“To find some fucking clothes!”
“Hey, watch it Rome! Don’t be swearing at my angel.”
Her sister pops her head up and gives Summer two thumbs up, “I like him!”
I can’t help but smile as Roman gives her another swat on the ass and they leave me and my girl alone for a moment. This time when I pull her to me, I waste no time taking her mouth with my own. When I pull back and look as she slowly opens her eyes, I run the pad of my thumb over the bottom of her lip.
“Have no doubt, angel, you are mine.”
“And you’re mine?”
“Absofuckinglutely, angel.”
I know we need to talk about this morning and about what it could lead to, but for now, I want her to understand that this is real and not going away. I’m not going anywhere.
“So, Roan, you fucking too, huh?”