Page 7 of Archie
Kissing her mouth and then nuzzling her neck, Archie thumbed her nipples until they swelled. They were hard and thick, and he wanted to have them bare in his mouth again. But the need to mark her, make her his, was making his cat scream at him. He loved his mate, too, and needed to know that no one else would touch her. As soon as she came again, screaming out his name, Archie let his cat, using his teeth and mouth to take his part of her. Archie felt the savage in him bite her deeply. Her second scream nearly had him coming in his pants.
He held her to him. Archie felt his heart still pounding in his chest, and he’d had to work hard at calming his cat, but right now, both of them were satisfied that they had marked her. When she lifted her head, he could see that he’d missed a few drops of her blood and leaned to lick them off her. Her moan had him sucking hard on her flesh until she started to ride him again.
“If we stay here much longer, I’m going to lay you out on this floor and drink from your pussy. I can smell you. You’re aroused, wet, and hot.” She stopped moving, and he put his hands on her hips to give him just a little more of her. “Do you have any idea how much I want you?”
“I can feel your cock. So I’d say, yes, I can tell.” He stared at her for several seconds, then laughed. “This isn’t funny. And if you think this is going to distract me from what you said to me, you’re fucking nuts.”
“I am at that. And no, I don’t think it’s going to distract you.” He kissed her again, taking his time moving his tongue over the darkest and tastiest part of her mouth, absorbing her into his as he rocked up into her heat with her lower half still dressed. “Never would I use sex to make you forget what’s going on around us. No matter how tempting you are. And you are so tempting.”
Making his way down her throat to her breasts, he suckled hard on the large tip and moaned when she held his head tightly to her. Moving her around, putting his hands into the back of her jeans, Archie let a little of his cat go so that he could use his sharp nails to rip her pants and panties off her. The sound was much more sexier than he thought it would be. It also made him want to tear all her clothing off her from now on.
Lying her on the bed, he took his time to undress himself. With his shirt already off, he unbuckled his belt and then slowly removed it from his pants, coming out of the loops to hold it one at a time, never taking his eyes off of his one true love. As soon as it was free, Archie dropped it to the floor, loving again the sound of the buckle hitting the floor. Then he unsnapped his jeans.
“I’ve never watched a man undress before.” Sitting up on her hands behind her, Carrie licked her lips, causing him pain when she did so, and watched him unsnap his pants one snap at a time. Watching her watch him, he saw her eyes darken in desire. Her tongue moistened her lips while he felt his air catch in his lungs. When she took her foot and rubbed it up and down his cock that was leaking cream all over his boxers, Archie grabbed her foot and held tightly against him while she worked him over. “That’s an amazing feeling, Archie. You’re so hard and hot. It’s like I’ve laid my foot on an open flame. And your cream between my toes is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before.”
He couldn’t speak. He was having enough difficulty just breathing. When she moved her other foot to his cock, Archie released her and leaned over her while she played with his cock. He needed to hold on to the bed before he passed out. If he came right now, he knew that he’d be out of it for days. Standing up, removing her feet, Archie tore his own pants off and grinned at her when she cried out as another quick climax took her.
Turning her in the bed so that her legs hung over the side, he seated himself between her legs and spread her nether lips wide. Watching as her cream slowly made its way to the bed, he leaned in and licked her from gate to clit, stopping long enough to suckle of her until she cried out. Pulling her closer to his mouth, he devoured her over and over while sliding his fingers into her. Christ, he thought, this was the most fun he’d had during sex in his life.
When she closed her thighs around his head, he looked up at her. She’d been crying, and he was sorry for that. Asking her if she was all right, she snapped at him that she needed to come. Having no idea why he thought that was so funny, Archie leaned into her for one more kiss and stood up. His cock was wet, too, the tip of it nearly black, it was so full and painful.
“Take me. Or not, but I’m going to come.” He leaned over her, taking her mouth with his own as he put his knee between her thighs. “Please? Please give me what I need.”
He didn’t hesitate, but when he felt her heat and wetness, he slammed forward, taking her throat into his mouth and suckling hard. When her skin broke, tasting her blood again, he held her bottom close to him, tiling it upward so that he could go deeper. He fucked Carrie with everything that he had left, watching her face again.
When he felt his own climax race to his balls, feeling like they were ready to explode at any moment, he held her tightly while he slowed to have her catch up to him. However, he didn’t think that she liked that when she dug her heels into his lower back and held his ears. Her words, ‘fuck me,’ were slurred, and he couldn’t help but do what she wished and fucked her through four quick releases before he let himself go.
Archie threw back his head when he felt his cock release. He’d come before, even today, but this was nothing like he’d ever experienced before. It was as if he was being turned inside out, then righted again over and over. Then when he was ready to drop atop her, his body finally emptied, Archie felt something akin to having a sword being stuck into the bottom of his cock and through it to the end. It was that painful. Crying out, he held Carrie to him so that neither of them moved.
Putting her hands on his cheek, he looked at her. Everything was blurry, and he was still in slight pain. But when her body, her sheath, rolled around his cock, he released again and felt everything blackout for him.
When he woke, only seconds, he thought, he was on his back, and Carrie was in his arms. Thinking about what had happened, wondering what had hurt him so much, Archie started to feel something roll over him. It started in his head, and gently, it seemed to him move down over his body until he was—with Carrie still holding him—doing things to not just his body, but he thought that it was moving into his heart, lungs, and blood. Closing his eyes against the sudden bright lights, he heard Carrie cry out then nothing.
Waking up, the two of them were in bed. Someone had moved them to the center of the bed and covered them up. Wondering who might have done something like that, he wasn’t the least bit upset when he thought that they’d not just seen him naked but Carrie as well. She rolled over, laying her head on his chest as he ran his fingers up and down her back.
“I don’t know about you, but I think that I’d rather not have that kind of sex again. I’m still reeling from it. And I feel…I don’t know, I feel everything. I can hear, too, better than I did before.” She looked up at him, resting her head on her fist. “You look different too. Like, you were a big man before, but I think you’re bigger. I know that your hair is lighter, too, longer.”
“I think that since we bonded, we got the magic that comes with it. I don’t know. But we do have to talk about a couple of things.” She asked him if it was about the ghosts. “That wasn’t it, but now that you mention it. Are there any in this room? I can’t see them if there is.”
“No. They’re forbidden to come into this house unless it’s an emergency. The building that I’m going to use is ready and waiting for them to use. Also, there will be hours set in stone for when they can come to me as well.” He thought that was a wonderful idea and told her so. “Shelly, she’s helping me, told me that unless I wanted them to be bothering me all the time, I needed to start some rules from the start.”
“Good. I like that. We’ll test that later. We have to talk about the leap. Things are going on that need someone’s attention and—” She told him that she would help him with it. And that he should take it without having Josiha around. “I was thinking that too. He wouldn’t have much in the way of information for me with how he’d been running things. I might run into one or two issues later, but for now, like you, I’m going to set up ground rules.”
The two of them talked about the leap for a while then Carrie decided that she needed to get up. For the two of them, it was much harder than he thought that it should have been. Standing in front of the mirror, holding onto the vanity, he had to laugh at himself at how bad he looked. But he did notice that she was right in saying that his hair was longer. He wondered if it was because they were bonded or something else. He wasn’t going to worry about it just yet. They were headed to the leap house when he remembered that Nash was supposed to be going with them.
“Can you come to the house? I need to take over the leap.” Nash asked if Carrie was going, and when he told him yes, he said that Sunny would come as well. “Good idea. Also, we’ve decided that we’re not going to have Josiha stick around for us. I think with the way things were left by him, we’d be better off learning as we go.”
“Excellent idea. Yes, that’s good. Do you expect to be down with the magic?” Archie said that he didn’t really know what to expect. “All right. We’ll play this by ear. We’re about to your house now, and we’ll walk to the leap house.”
He was glad that he remembered to take his brother. Even more so that Sunny was going to help out with keeping an eye on Carrie. He wasn’t worried that something would happen, he didn’t want to be left alone if the magic did take him down. Smiling, he was thrilled beyond words that he and Carrie were going to be doing this. He thought that it was going to be good for everyone concerned.
Carrie hated the leap house. The few times that she’d been there, it had been horrid and smelly. It wasn’t just because it smelled like a wet dog; she had no idea why that was what she thought, but it also looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in centuries. She thought for sure that it hadn’t, not by the way things looked right now. She hinted around, asking if the meeting between them could be done outside instead of in the sweltering heat of the building. Everyone, thankfully, agreed. Carrie let Archie do the talking.
“Josiha, we, Carrie and I, have decided to take the job of leap leader.” The man nodded, but Carrie noticed that his wife, Alma, was shaking her head. “I’m sorry. Is there a problem now? Something that we need to talk about?”
“He didn’t say to me that he was leaving. I’ve decided that we’re not.” It was Sunny who told them that they both had to agree, but in the end, it was Josiha’s decision. “Well, I’ve decided that I’m not going to give up the magic. I know what is going to happen to the two of us when you take over, and I’m not going to give up my life after all this time. I have things that I wish to do.”