Page 17 of Ink
“Well, actually, I’ve decided to stay home for a couple of years.” I rub my hand over my stomach. “We’re gonna keep cranking these babies out and one of us needs to be here.”
Mabel’s face lights up like she’s happy, but I can see deep down that I’ve said the wrong thing.
“You’ll get there, too.” I squeeze her hand before she walks out the door. “I promise. You’re young. We’ll figure this out together.”
Her lip quivers and she wipes away a tear. “I’m sorry. I’m really happy for you. Honestly, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ll catch you later.” She rushes out to her car and a heavy guilt sinks into my stomach.
“Is she okay?” Ink stares down at me. “Did I say something?”
“No, it was me. Well, it wasn’t anyone. She’s just… she’s ready to start her life and do this, ya know? A husband and kids… but her dad is giving her a hard time. He wants her to stay on the farm and be his little girl forever. I don’t think he’s been right after his wife died, so Mable gets the brunt end of it.”
Ink drags in a deep breath. “That sucks. I could go talk to him.”
“Yeah, not sure that would make sense. He doesn’t know you.”
“Still, I like to help.”
I laugh and wrap myself in his arms. “I’ve got to use the bathroom quick, then we can head out to the doctor’s office.”
He kisses my forehead. “Okay. Hurry, we’re running late.”
I give him a playful slap and turn away, walking like a sloth toward the bathroom as I laugh.
This bathroom and the master bathroom have both been recently renovated. Ink has replaced the counters, the sinks, the toilets, and the tile that surrounds the tub. He’s even worked on adding a new bedroom to the back of the house, but I think that’ll take some time to finish given the speed we’re moving. That’s okay, though. The baby needs to sleep in our room for a while, anyway.
I do my business and stand from the toilet, balancing myself with the countertop as I lift. Everything is a slog these days. Sleeping, eating, using the bathroom… the list goes on for what feels like forever. The only thing I haven’t found annoying yet is sex. In fact, just like I read, my sex drive is through the roof, and the second all the morning sickness finally stopped, my desire only got more dramatic.
“Let’s go!” Ink hollers from the kitchen. His tone is commanding like he’s my daddy and I have to move now or a spanking is coming.
I consider missing this appointment all together for that spanking alone. The visit is routine, and I doubt they’ll tell me anything they haven’t told me a hundred times over. Besides that, my friend at the clinic in town lets me pop in for ultrasounds whenever I want. I just saw the baby yesterday. She’s fine.
“Coming!” I shout, moving toward the mirror. God, I’m bloated. Okay, this might be what starves me off from sex. I might be horny, but I’m a horny monster with a bloated face, a swollen belly, and… my tits are leaking.
What? My tits are leaking? Why are my tits leaking?
I pull the fabric away from my breasts and rub my fingers together to feel for consistency. Whatever it is, it’s too dry now for me to feel much, but the way the spots are positioned over my nipples, I know for sure it’s breastmilk.
This isn’t normal, right? I’m still too early for breastmilk.
I lift my phone from the counter and scroll sideways past the list of baby names I’ve been staring at for months. I think we’ve decided to name her Sunny but there’s nothing confirmed yet. I pull up the search bar and click on the box, typing in the question.
‘When does milk production start during pregnancy?’
A slew of results populate, but there’s a general consensus. Milk production can start as early as four months into pregnancy. It’s even more common at eight. I don’t know why, but I thought milk didn’t come in until the baby was born. I should’ve been more prepared for this.
I peel my shirt off, toss it in the hamper, and move through the house toward the back bedroom where I’ve spent the last few weeks moving all my stuff to.
“You okay, Bunny?” Ink lands his hand on my lower back.
I spin toward him with my bra hanging off, my nipples leaking. “Not really. I guess my breastmilk is coming in. Not sure what to do. Now is when I regret not having more girl friends.”
He grins and steps toward me, cupping my swollen breasts in his big hands. “They’re huge. Bigger than they were last night for sure.”
I narrow my brows. “Can they grow that fast? I thought it was a slow process?”
“Apparently not.” He grins, and leans in, licking up the clear fluid that drips from my nipples.
My pussy clenches tight. Never mind about the girl friend’s thing.