Page 16 of Cream
My back arches up off the bed, and my breasts brush against his muscular chest. I inhale deeply, cementing my lungs with his scent as he molds me to fit his enormity with every one of his thrusts.
“Yeah, you know. Add to the build-up of things?” he continues to tease. He reaches beneath me and snatches my butt and squeezes hard with his strong hands. It’s like he has me in a vise grip now that encapsulates my entire body.
“They say the build-up is the best part, right?”
“I don’t know who they are,” I pant as he ruts inside me, harder and harder, faster and faster, driving powerful shocks of pleasure through every inch of me. “But they are wrong. This is the best part.”
My response clearly pleases Brent. He picks up the pace and locks his lips to mine in a kiss so filled with passion I feel like I’ve just stepped into the finale of a rom-com.
Each thrust from his cock causes me to grow hotter. I’m pretty sure if this goes on any longer, I’m literally going to melt through the bedsprings and send us both crashing to the floor.
Unimaginable pleasure. That’s what he’s giving me.
Of course after I came back from the farm last night, I thought about what it would be like to go all the way with him, but I was never able to imagine anything like this.
I whimper as I feel my toes begin to tingle and my legs begin to shake. Another climax is already brewing, and it’s close.
Brent feels it too and breaks our kiss so he can look at me.
“That’s so hot,” he tells me.
“What is?”
“Feeling your body quiver as I fuck you.” He smirks, his eyes like two sparkling gems penetrating my soul as he penetrates my body. “Knowing I’m the one responsible.”
I’m about to go over the edge now. It’s like I’ve been pulled into an impossible dream.
“Come for me, Luna. Let me feel that pussy come all over my cock.”
That’s it. His words send me soaring like a rocket being launched into space.
I wrap my arms around his broad torso and hang on for dear life as my orgasm rushes through me, hitting every nerve ending I have.
Lust and yearning are all that exist within me now. I can’t even think. The only words inside my mind are “Yes, yes, yes,” and “Brent, Brent, Brent…”
I’m so wet. But I’m also clamped down so tight on his thickness that he can barely move. It’s like my body wants to lock him inside so he can never leave.
He’s also buried so deep that I can feel him in my stomach. He may know how to talk smart and tease, but Brent is a primal man, a savage man even, perhaps. I don’t need to look any further than the way he’s handling me right now.
“I can feel it,” he growls, lapping at my neck with his tongue like a hungry dog. That only enhances my pleasure. My body rings like a gong being struck by a hammer of euphoria. Every inch of me rings out.
My jaw hangs open as I wrap my legs around his waist. His shaft massages every sensitive spot within me, and although this may be our first time together, it feels so natural. Like we were meant to do this.
And this is my first time…
How is this possible?
Even more so, it feels like I’m meant to be here in his arms. I feel safe. I feel protected. I want to have them around me when I wake up in the morning. I want to tilt my hips back and feel him enter me when I’m still waking up and my eyes haven’t even seen the sun yet.
“You’re amazing,” I manage to whimper as the ability to speak slowly begins to return to me.
“Right back atcha.” I can hear the smile on his lips as he continues to kiss me all over. My body is so sensitive, having just experienced a second mind-blowing orgasm, and every time he grazes my skin with his mouth, I quiver uncontrollably. This seems to please him.
I’m slowly relaxing too, which allows him to start thrusting again.
“We should do this more often,” he says. He sounds a bit like he’s teasing, but I know he’s not. And I don’t have the energy to tease back. I simply nod back emphatically.
“Oh, yes.”