Page 46 of Into the Night
Sun streaming through my open curtains wakes me earlier than I’d like.
My beast is calm for once, happy in the knowledge that Kali is alive and well, but I’m not. Until I see her safe and whole with my own two eyes, I won’t relax. Or at least, that’s what I tell myself as I stand on exhausted legs and make my way to the bathroom.
Frowning when my aim is terrible and I spray the back of the toilet with piss, it all makes sense when my brain finally comes back online. Kali.
She was in my dreams again last night, but for the first time since she went missing, instead of my sleep being filled with nightmares of her being hurt, they were hot and heavy. I’m struggling with the lack of proper sleep, but at least this was a much more pleasant disturbance.
Vivid flashbacks of our only night together have fuelled my imagination, and I can feel the results of my sexy dream stuck to my skin. I can hear Kali panting and moaning as I pound into her, and I groan, relieved she’s okay, but frustrated she’s still not home.
Hard again, I can’t stop thinking about how I’m going to make up for being such an idiot if she ever forgives me. I groan and fist my cock, deciding a shower might wake me up. I’m groggy and weak when I stand under the hot spray and close my eyes, feeling almost guilty for getting myself off to thoughts of our night together while she’s still missing.
Resting my forehead on the cool tiles, I grip my length firmly and slide my wet hand up and down, imagining it’s her tight pussy clamped around me. Steam fills up the cubicle, and I suck in a sharp breath as an image of me rocking into Kali from behind, my cock sliding along her ass first, fills my mind.
It feels so real as I lift my hand to my nose, stunned and pleasantly surprised to still detect the faint smell of her on me.
Jesus. When was the last time I had a shower?
Groaning, I return my hand to my cock. Her scent in the tiny bathroom, on my hand, is making it feel like she’s really here with me. The tingle starts at the back of my brain, and the beast inside me growls, raging, trying to force me out of the shower with my cock still in hand.
When I cum, hard and fast, my beast roars in anger at the sight of my creamy seed being washed down the drain. What the fuck was that, and why is there so little? Has the stress and physical exertion of the last few days drained me dry?
Confused, I climb out, only to spot a plastic cup sitting on the back of the cistern. My beast seems strangely proud of it, and when curiosity gets the better of me and I twist the cap off, I stare hard at the contents and frown. I’m pondering why my feral other half is hoarding cum as I tip it into the toilet bowl.
My beast rages inside me, and I pray we’re not descending into madness. There’s still lots I need to learn about my other side, but somehow, I doubt this is normal behaviour.
I slip into a clean pair of combat trousers, and put a thick flannel shirt over my T-shirt, puzzled by his visceral reaction to this when he’s been relatively quiet. Finding the set of keys Ben gave me, I shove them into my back pocket and nod at myself in the mirror.
If Kali needs some space to heal, I’ll give her that, but when she comes back to Sutton, she’s going to see a man who has no intention of going anywhere, who’s going to be here for her, whether I’ve blown my chances or not.
My mind is made up, and I nod. I need to have something, some kind of plan, to distract me from the idea that she might not come back any time soon. But we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, all l can do is fix up the ranger cabin to make it into a home for myself, and then make sure her home is all cleaned up for when she returns.
I brush my teeth and stride back into my small bedroom, looking forward to packing up and checking out of Maisy’s. It’s a lovely guesthouse, and she’s an amazing woman, but I need my own space back. Spirits buoyed now that I have something to do, I’m down the stairs and into the kitchen with a spring in my step.
“I heard the good news. I’m just so happy that she’s okay,” Maisy says, a relieved smile on her face.
Nodding, I pull her into a big hug, one that I doubt she was expecting judging by the way she stands stiffly in my arms.
“Oh, well yes, I can imagine you’re thrilled too,” she says. “Maybe you won’t run screaming for the hills just yet after all.”
With a wry smile, I snag some fruit from the bowl and take the to-go mug of coffee Maisy is now holding out to me.
“I’m not going anywhere. In fact, I’m going to head to the ranger cabin now and check what needs to be done. I’m sure I can do most of it myself.”
Humming in delight at the sight of the giant sausage and bacon sandwich that Maisy hands me, I lean against the wall and take a big bite. I’m suddenly ravenous, like I’ve been starving myself these last few days when in reality Maisy has been keeping me well fuelled.
“Does that mean you’re leaving me?” she asks, frowning a little at the speed in which I’m demolishing the food she just gave me. “Breathe Griffin, or you’re going to choke. If you want another one, just ask.”
I do. My stomach rumbles, and Maisy’s eyebrows lift to her grey hairline.
“May I have another one, please?”
Maisy returns to the counter, looking at me curiously over her shoulder, before fixing me another sandwich. “Not surprised you’re hungry with all that’s going on. And I don’t know how you’re coping with so little sleep.”
When she hands me the sandwich in a brown paper bag, I resist the urge to devour it right here. I’ll at least wait until I’m in my car.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say, but Maisy’s not buying it.