Page 111 of Maksim
I point the gun at Henrietta’s head and pull the trigger, allowing myself only a moment to stare at her dead eyes before grabbing the knife and going to Elira.
“Anya first,” she says when I go to cut her bindings.
I look down at the blood covering her, and if it weren’t for the silence, I would think I’d been shot in the chest.
“It’s okay,” she says, her voice low. “The cuts aren’t deep.”
I swallow as I look at her, caressing her jaw and planting a quick kiss to her forehead before going to Anya.
I cut the rope around Anya’s wrists first then go around to cut her ankles free, but she rips the tape off her mouth and pulls me against her.
I wrap my arms around her and shut my eyes as she cries onto my shoulder, unleashing more heartache than one person should ever feel. More heartache than I ever thought I’d allow her to feel.
“You’re safe,” I say, hugging her close.
“I swear, I’ll never leave again. I’m so sorry.”
She’s sorry?
“Anya…” I sigh, ready to correct her, but Elira’s gasp runs my train of thought off its track.
Before I can pull back, a gun goes off and someone falls on top of me.
My arms around Anya flex as I look over my shoulder at Henrietta’s partner on my back. I buck her off before turning around and facing Alik standing in the entryway, gun in hand.
He gestures to the knife on the floor at my feet that must’ve fallen out of the bitch’s grasp when he shot her.
“Good thing you had backup,” he says, emotionless.
I close my eyes and sigh before nodding my thanks.
Why is the little shit always right?
One side of his lips lifts in a smirk as he walks to retrieve the knife, then he goes to help Elira. I finish with Anya’s ankles before taking his place.
“You’re going to be okay,” I say to her, inspecting the cuts as I lay her on the carpet. She winces but doesn’t protest.
When she looks away from me, it’s like a fresh wave of pain comes over her. “The hit was on my family.”
I busy myself studying her wounds to avoid her eyes. “I know. But they’re safe. They were hiding in a root cellar when our guys found them.”
I feel her gaze shoot to me, but it’s still hard to look.
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.
This is all my fault.
“We found the hitman,” Alik pipes in. “He’s been handled. Your family is safe.”
She lets out a long sigh that ends on a sob, and now I have no choice but to look at her.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper, rightfully ashamed. “Elira, I never would have intentionally put your family in danger.”
She nods like she understands, and when she looks at Anya, guilt crosses her expression. “I’m sorry too.”