Page 128 of Catching Sparks
“How was he the past few days? I haven’t seen a trainer around.”
“Could’a asked Wade about him, ya know?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t. I’m asking you.”
He turns and leans against the post between Kip’s pen and Sky’s empty one and kicks his feet out before crossing them at the ankles. “Kip’s always good, Garry. I’d say he definitely missed you, though. Was a bit more vocal than usual with Wade.”
“How vocal?” I ask, suddenly concerned. “Is something wrong with him? Has Wade called a vet to have him checked out?”
“Slow down, Cowboy.” With his hands tossed up in front of him, I get the feeling he’s trying to soothe me like he would a wild animal. “He’s all good. Just trying to tell Wade to bring you back.”
My stomach sours even as my anxiety slowly trickles off. “After six days?”
“After the third day, I’d say,” he answers honestly, solemnly.
If he’s upset after three days, how will he be after I’m gone for good?
Reading the emotions on my face, Johnny says, “He’ll be fine, Garry. Don’t start worrying about it already. Kip’s tough as nails.”
“He is,” I agree, but the words are hollow.
“You could always call me while you’re back home and I can let you video chat him.”
“That seems more unfair than just leaving.”
“Maybe. Or maybe it’s what both of you will need.”
I’m unable to come up with a reply that feels worth speaking. My upcoming departure from Cherry Peak weighs heavier on me than anything else. Kip is just another piece of this place that’s going to kill me to leave behind, and I don’t know what to do with that realization yet.
Kip’s ears flick as he turns to look at the stable door. The clopping of hooves sounds a beat before Sky appears, her golden mane flowing in the breeze as Brody leads her into the stable.
It’s been weeks since I’ve seen him, and not once have I gotten to witness him perched on Sky’s back, his legs curved around her saddle with the same ease I watched Poppy’s have. He’s a natural, obviously at home in that position. His dark brown cowboy hat is tipped down, casting a shadow over his face before he flicks it up and waves two fingers at us.
In dirty jeans and a pair of cowboy boots that have seen far better days, he swings off Sky and lands gracefully on his feet. After patting his horse’s neck, he gives his attention to Johnny and me.
“You’re back,” he states.
I nod woodenly. “I am.”
“Ran into my grandpa on the way here. He told me you’d be here. Said you’d most likely be here all day despite the list he gave you.”
“It actually might be my fault that he’s still here, actually. I’ve held him up,” Johnny admits before jerking his head in my direction. “He was about to take Kip out before I interrupted him.”
I stiffen. “I was considering it. I’m not certain if I’m even allowed to do that. Kip is Wade’s.”
I’m quick to defend and explain myself to Brody. He may be my employee in every other environment, but right now, he holds the power, and Poppy would be upset if I pissed off her best friend’s boyfriend.
Brody stares at me for a beat too long for it to mean nothing before saying, “Take him out. He gets restless if he’s kept inside too long, which I’m sure you’ve learned.”
I grapple with my surprise. “Wade won’t want him?”
“He left him here for a reason.”
My throat constricts. I incline my head, and Brody does the same before Johnny interrupts.
“I was just telling Garry that Kip’ll be fine once he’s gone back to the big city. Sad, yeah, but there’s FaceTime for a reason.”