Page 116 of Chasing Home
Nobody moves, as if commanded by some higher power to stay where we are, until Rory suddenly jolts to her feet. I join her, and then the Roses follow. It’s one of the most awkward situations I’ve ever been in as we all stand in silence, Bernice and James watching Rory like she’s a gift from God while she reaches for my hand and grips me for dear life.
There are no friendly goodbyes or hugs shared between anyone. Rory mutters a quiet “See you later,” and her grandparents return the sentiment before I spin us around and we head right for the front door, bypassing the rest of the party.
Rory doesn’t question me or where I’m taking us as we head for my truck. There’s only one place I know will help clear her mind, and as far as I’m concerned, that’s all that matters right now.
Frost shifts beneath me, her thick, powerful muscles contracting as we trot through the field back to the stable. I’ve grown far more comfortable in her saddle and am looking forward to not having to waddle around tomorrow morning.
We pass the raspberry bushes, and Frost makes one hell of an effort to grab a mouthful. I let her this time, not having it in me to deny her of the treat, and Johnny laughs, clicking his tongue to encourage Joker to join her.
“You give in too easy,” he tells me.
“She’s been good tonight.”
“Yeah, she has. She can sense your mood.”
“Is that a fact?”
“It is. They’re used for therapy sometimes.”
I rub Frost’s neck, feeling the tickle of her mane on my knuckles. “Is that why you brought me out here? For horse therapy?”
“In a way. Frost’s a good girl, but I also thought a ride might help. The fresh air helps clear my mind when I’m upset. I wanted to see if it did the same for you.”
I nod. “Eliza shouldn’t have called them without asking me first.”
“She shouldn’t have,” he agrees.
“But I’m also glad she did. At least now, I can learn what I need to and move on.”
“Is that what you want? To learn and move on? What if they turn out to be really good people and want to be in your life? They looked real happy to see you, darlin’.”
“Then I’ll think about letting them in.”
His exhale is heavy, weighed down with emotion. “You’re more incredible than you believe you are, Aurora. It fuckin’ kills me inside that you don’t know your own worth. They would be lucky to spend time with you.”
I wish he wasn’t so far from me. The brim of his hat droops into my eyes again as I watch him. I push it up with the back of my hand before tugging softly on Frost’s reins.
“I’ve been wearing this hat for a lot longer than I thought I was going to,” I state, changing the subject to something safer.
His brow jerks upward as he rakes his fingers through his loose waves. “Oh? I just figured you’d give it back when you wanted to.”
“I don’t want to give it back.”
It’s adorable how innocent he can be sometimes. Like he doesn’t expect me to want him the way I do. It’s a shame, really, because I don’t just want him. I ache for him. I’m beginning to think that’s all I do.
“Be careful what you say, Rory. I’ve been rock-solid from the moment you set that hat on your head, but I’m tryin’ to be polite and respectful, given what happened today,” he warns, his tone a deep rumble in the night.
“That’s a shame. I want you to do very non-polite things to me right now.”
I watch as he drops a hand to his groin and curses, eyes flashing. My nipples are hard as rocks against my dress, and I’m seriously considering how easy it would be to hop off Frost right now and have him bend me over against a tree.
“You ready for a run, darlin’? This won’t be a slow trot back.”
Digging my heels into Frost, I wink at Johnny. My heart pounds in my chest, excitement making my blood sing. “Race you.”