Page 16 of Chasing Home
“It’s really not a big deal. Your books are cleaner than any I’ve seen before. You just needed a second set of eyes.”
“You’re only saying that because I’m your boss. You have two college degrees, Rory. That is so something to brag about.”
“Two? Why on earth haven’t you been telling me all about them yet?” Eliza guffaws.
“They’re not interesting to most people. Quite the opposite, actually. Nobody wants to hear about finance or business,” I defend myself.
Eliza frowns, the lines at the corners of her mouth deep. “Well, I can assure you I won’t find it boring. I’ve been working with finances for five decades now. Give this old woman a chance to prove you wrong, sweetheart.”
I try to hide my surprise as I say, “If you’re sure.”
“I’m positive,” she confirms.
“I have a bachelor’s degree in finance, a master’s in business, and spent the last six years working for one of the biggest Canadian-based auction enterprises as their corporate financial advisor.”
“Oh, wow. That’s incredible,” Eliza says softly.
Anna shoots me a knowing look in the mirror. “See? What did I say?”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah.”
“I mean this in the sweetest way, but what on earth are you doing here?” Eliza asks after a moment of silence.
My skin feels tight over my bones as their attention remains fully placed on me. I know they want to know more about me, and I should just tell them even the smallest thing. Right here, right now. I want to tell someone something before I find myself squashed beneath the stress I’ve put myself under.
“In Cherry Peak or at the salon?”
“I’ve already asked this a million times, Eliza. She’s a tough egg to crack,” Anna says.
“No egg is too tough for me to crack.”
I smile slightly at that. If there was anyone that could do it, it would be Eliza.
“I needed answers, and Cherry Peak is where I thought they’d be,” I tell them before I can think twice about it.
Eliza’s features grow thoughtful. “And you aren’t so sure anymore?”
“No,” I admit. “I’m still trying to figure things out.”
“Sometimes all it takes is a bit of time.”
“And some killer friends to spend said time with while you get it all sorted,” Anna adds pointedly.
“Yes. Friends, and without insulting Anna here, perhaps a job that will fulfill you a bit more than this one. Do you miss working with numbers?” Eliza asks. “I can’t imagine you’re feeling very stimulated scheduling appointments and answering phone calls.”
“I’m not insulted at all. You have a point,” Anna says.
I shift on my feet, anxious to see where this is going to go. “Yeah, I do miss working with numbers. But I’m happy here too.”
Eliza tips her chin, ignoring Anna’s grumble when the hair she was holding slips from her fingers and she has to grab another before snipping it.
“What would you say to coming over to Steele Ranch this weekend and having a bit of a chat with me? I may have an opportunity for you.”
I dart my eyes to Anna, searching for any tell that she’s annoyed with me or Eliza’s offer. But there’s nothing, and when she nods at me with a genuine, easygoing smile, I relax slightly.
“Um, sure. If you’re okay with it. Yeah, I could do that. When?” I ramble.