Page 111 of Moros
“One day a homemade terrorist went after Bradley. Morrisey didn’t think twice and saved him.” Goran chuckled good naturedly. “And that was when he was told who Bradley really was, who Bradley’s father was. Morrisey declined any rewards—only asked for a job.”
“A job?” Ryanne leaned forward. “He could have asked for anything.”
“Exactly.” Goran replied. “And because of that, Anton Speigle took a liking to him. Bradley and Morrisey grew closer. Anton gave him a job and your father worked hard throughout university and when it became time for his visa issues, Anton made sure your father was taken care of.”
“That would explain why he received his citizenship so quickly.” I muttered.
“Yes,” Goran said.
“But after he began dating Anne, things just started going wrong.” Goran added. “Though he loved your mother—and he graduated to much wealth and status, something wasn’t right. Things grew worse when your mother became pregnant. To protect her and you, your father gave up everything and just left. He confided in Sanjit about what he thought—that Paul Newman had something to do with all his latest misfortune but he couldn’t prove it.”
“So, he did know Paul was a shit human?” Ryanne asked.
“It was hard on him, you see.” Goran responded. “He couldn’t believe the man he’d trust so much could really be harming him.”
“And what happened to Bradley?” I wanted to know.
“He died just before your mother gave birth to you.” Goran replied. “Sanjit and I believed the stress of his death was what caused your mother to go into labour. Over the years, Anne, your father and Bradley became, kind of like a little family.”
“How did he die?” Ryanne squeezed my hand.
“Cancer. It was quick. They found it during a routine checkup and by the time they could come up with treatment options he was bedridden.” Goran straightened his spine as if speaking about all this exhausted him. “He left everything he had to your parents.”
“That’s so sad.” Ryanne exhaled. “I can see how that could have been hard on my parents. What happened to his father?”
“Anton—he passed away about a year ago.” Goran explained. “He had a heart attack at his wife’s grave.”
A moment of silence.
“Morrisey changed his will the very moment he found out Anne was pregnant.” Goran explained, pulling out a folder from the large file. He opened it in front of him and adjusted his glasses on his nose. “He wanted to make sure if anything was to happen to him, the people responsible for hurting him and Anne wouldn’t profit from his death.”
Releasing Ryanne’s hand, I used that hand to massage the back of her neck. She smiled at me then returned her gaze to Goran.
“The police sent me their report.” Goran explained. “I’m disgusted with what has happened. Our search for you always came back with the same result—you were deceased. And after we were contacted by the detective on the case, we did some digging and found a few things.”
“Paul Newman and his contacts changed your social number a few days after your parents’ deaths.” Goran reported. “While we ran your old number and coming up with nothing?—”
Ryanne nodded.
“Just a little bit longer, Shorty.” I kissed her ear.
“Would you like to take a break?” Goran asked.
Ryanne shook her head.
“I’m okay.”
When she replied, she was staring into my eyes and smiling at me.
“Very well, let’s continue,” Goran said. “His entire estate is yours, Ms. Larwick. When you turn thirty—that is. It includes a sum of fifteen million dollars, his estate property and a cabin on the lake in the Muskoka’s. He stipulated that his vehicles were to be sold and the funds placed into the estate and that further padded the financial bit of it. He also left this letter for Paul.”
The envelop was showing its age but it was still firmly sealed. The white paper was beginning to brown and wrinkle with the passage of time.
“Your father wanted you to open it in front of Paul.” Goran added. “Read it to him.”
“Why me?”
“I’m not sure.” Goran shook his head. “But I’m certain there is a reason.”