Page 22 of Moros
A set of bright headlights flickered on and I knew that wasn’t good.
“Ryanne, get in!”
“How do you know my name?”
“Get! In!”
Sighing, I climbed into the vehicle with her. The engine roared to life and before I knew it, we were speeding out of the parking lot, tires squealing on the right turn before the vehicle straightened again.
We were being chased.
She cranked the car in gear, handling it as if she’d done this before. All I could do was struggle to click my seatbelt in place. Once I was belted in, I looked over my shoulder to see the same SUV from the lot behind us.
The sleek car ate up the road, zig zagging through traffic to lose the people chasing us. The woman made a left on Pollard Street and I almost swallowed my tongue.
“This is a one-way street!” I pointed out.
“That, I know. Hang on.”
She didn’t have to tell me twice.
Maybe if I focus on not pissing myself, it would take my mind off the fact that at any second we could slam into oncoming traffic.
I screamed as she played chicken with a mini-van.
“This is some bullshit!” The woman growled, swerving into the path of a truck. “Hold on!”
“Stop saying that!”
At the very last second in the chaos, the woman twisted the wheel to the left.
We were on our way to turning when a loud collision caused me to look back.
She didn’t.
The SUV had crashed into the truck.
“Shouldn’t we call someone?”
The woman glanced into her mirror but shrugged.
“The people in the truck are fine,” she said. “They’re high enough to be protected. The ones in the SUV—not so much. And someone will call for help for them. Right now, my job, is to keep you safe.”
After she checked the mirrors again, she eased her foot off the gas.
“The name’s Pasha Adawan Thitiwattan, by the way,” she said. “I know it’s a mouthful. You can call me Pasha or Pash.”
“Let me guess—Khadri?”
Pasha giggled.
“Ryanne.” I shook my head while reaching for my phone. “You can call me Anne.”
“You don’t look like an Anne.” Pasha told me. “I’ll call your Rya.”
I smiled then noticed my phone was dead.