Page 50 of Moros
And while I was awake, I caressed down his head to his back, making small gentle circles against his bare skin.
He was heavy against me, and I liked it—I wanted to stay awake to enjoy this moment for as long as I could.
I was barely asleep when the door opened, and Pasha stuck her head in. I pressed a finger to my lips.
“He okay?” She mouthed.
Though I wanted to frown and get away, I nodded and pointed to my head.
She nodded.
“Can you bring me a cold towel?”
“He’s overheating again?”
Once more, I nodded.
Pasha disappeared from the room and while she was gone, I tried not feeling awkward about any of this. A part of me was beginning to believe Khadri wasn’t involved with her, but it was still a little weird.
My self esteem was eating away at me—rather, my lack of self esteem was making this hurt a little bit more than it should.
Why shouldn’t I hit on Khadri?
I was a woman too.
I had all the same things Pasha had—hell, my tits were far bigger.
Frowning, I sighed and shook my head.
The right things, Ryanne. Value the right things.
Right—I had a brain in my head.
I could take care of myself in the streets—I could cook.
I knew, deep down, I knew I was a good woman.
Pasha returned but she brought a basin with iced water and a face clothed submerged in the liquid. She wrung the cloth out, smoothed it and handed it to me.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Pasha told me. “Let me know if you need anything.”
Alone with him again, I used the cold cloth to wipe down the back of his neck, his shoulders, his arms before reaching across to dunk it into the water again. I couldn’t wring all the water out from where I was under him, but I did the best I could.
I repeated it a few times until his body cooled enough to stop me from worrying. When I was finished, I wet the cloth again, wrung it out then placed it on his forehead.
Only then, did I allow myself to drift off to sleep again.
When I woke the next morning, I was alone in the bed. I was resting comfortably on the best pillows in the world with a pure white sheet over me up to my shoulders. At first, I was in heaven until I remembered what had happened the day and night before.
Jerking upright in bed, I glanced around then lifted the sheet to see I was still dressed.
“Ugh—he didn’t even try taking advantage of me.” I pouted.
“You wanted me to take advantage of you?”
Gasping, I jerked around to look toward the bathroom door.