Page 88 of Moros
Prime agreed to have his guys take turns watching Paul. The last he heard, Paul was losing his shit, getting more and more paranoid.
“Maybe we should let him go.” I suggested.
“Let him go?” Prime asked. “And then disappear again?”
“I don’t think he would disappear.” I leaned in. “He’d go back to Sloan.”
“Because Sloan failed.” Zero caught on. “I mean, he must have paid Sloan a lot of money to get his hands on Ryanne. And now, he has to be dealing with her—and us. I’d like to be a fly on that wall.”
“That makes sense.” Mouth leaned back to stretch his legs out in front of him. “It would explain why he’s trying to run.”
“Where was he trying to run to?” Ryanne asked when she returned and sat across from me. “I mean, there aren’t very many countries he would have connections in, right? And it’s not like you can just wander into people’s airspaces and land.”
“She’s right.” Zero nodded.
“From what I’ve gathered,” I explained. “He would either be going to the States, Canada and Aruba.”
“Well, Tex said the plane was carrying a full tank.” Prime skimmed through the file he’d been holding. “You don’t need a full tank to get to Aruba—and he wouldn’t have wasted funds.”
“I know the tank of a Gulfstream G550 could get him to the States or Canada, easy.” I spoke up. “We just have to figure out which country and where.”
“It’s easy.” Ryanne shrugged. “He’s going back to Toronto. That’s where Sloan is, right? And if he’s paid Sloan a lot of money to take me out?—”
“He’ll want to have a very strong conversation with his employee.” Pitbull smiled.
A sobering silence filled the space.
Morgana fed us and after she took Theodore to bed, I exited the house wondering where in the hell Todd had disappeared to. I didn’t like him because he was with Ryanne—but the fact he was Theordore’s caretaker and was just not around when he should be, bothered me.
And here comes the migraine.
I couldn’t tell the last time I’d have a good night’s sleep.
Actually, that was a lie—the last time I had a good night’s sleep was the night Khadri fucked me.
That wasn’t making love.
Even though it had been my first time, what he’d done to me, I felt like I knew the difference.
Once that happened, I then needed to feel what it was like to have him make love to me.
Closing my eyes, I rolled over and pulled the sheets up to my neck, trying to hide from what I’d done and the cold of the A/C.
I can’t trust you, Ryanne. Correction, I don’t trust you.
I closed my eyes and tried to silence those words.
Even if I couldn’t get rid of the hurt that I’d seen in his eyes at the thought of this other man touching me, kissing me, I needed to stop the pain.
The words tore through me like a blade.
It wasn’t his anger—it was the disappointment.
He’d been disappointed in me and that was the worse of it.