Page 18 of Captive Desire
Clasping her hips, I pull her hard into my final thrust. Coating her walls with each hot spurt of my release, I’m left feeling wrecked.
Arching, she shakes and trembles before going limp.
Pulling out, I grab her chin and kiss her. Lazy and slow, we share the same exhaustion. Collapsing on the bed, a relieved sigh is the first to leave my lips.
Not wanting to be separated for long, I’m pulling her closer. Covered in sticky sweat, I’m sure we’ll be sharing another shower here in the future.
“I love you.” The words come out with ease and they slip out twice more as my fingers trail against her stomach. “You don’t have to return my love until you’re ready.”
I’ll marry her, have this baby, and raise him with the willingness to do it all with patience.
When she wiggles and pulls from my hold in order to roll around, she gives me those big brown eyes that make me want to crumble. She shifts closer so she can rest her cheek against my chest.
“You won’t have to wait long,” she murmurs as she flicks my nipple. “I have a secret. I loved you once, back at the beginning.” As she sucks in a breath to prepare herself, I don’t dare breathe to hear every word. “All this time, I’ve been trying my hardest not to fall in love with you again. All because I didn’t want you to leave twice.”
Before I can reassure her of not making the same mistake twice, she snuggles me closer.
“All this fighting has been useless. You’re too good at what you do.” With flushed cheeks, she meets my gaze once more. “You made me fall in love with you again.”
When she agreed to be my wife, I thought I felt true happiness. However, I now know how wrong I was. Not this…this ache is one I’d never be able to top.
“We should probably go clean up,” she suggests like the thought hadn’t crossed my mind before she told me she loves me. Completely clueless to the explosions happening in my head and my heart, her words hardly register.
“Later,” I promise. “No point in doing it now if we’re just going to get dirtier.”
Sputtering a laugh at that, she pinches my arm but my lock on her body doesn’t lessen.
I have no intention of letting my wife leave this bed until she doesn’t have the strength in her legs. Then I’ll have the excuse to carry her around.
I’m not going to be able to let her go any time soon.
Three Years Later
“Do not even think about it.”
Romeo’s voice is lowered, hushed enough for only me to hear. He’s caught me eyeing some boxes, seeing the itch to help written all over my face.
“I wasn’t going to do anything,” I assure him with nothing but an innocent smile. Going as far as taking a few steps to the side, I graze the curve of my stomach.
Ever since we found out we were having a girl, Romeo has done nothing but breathe down my neck. Lifting restrictions aside, if I even lift my finger, the guy will have a heart attack.
I raise my hands in defense when Romeo sends me a knowing look. Am I to be blamed for feeling useless? I’m only a couple of months away from giving birth, so I know he’s right.
Doesn’t make me like it any more than I have to.
Dante doesn’t pay us any mind, clearly used to his overbearing brother. He’s too busy taking in what we have left to do.
We’re all distracted the moment the sound of light footwork comes running in our direction.
Little Antonio comes waltzing inside the room, ready to help his uncle carry another box. Dante entertains him, that hardened expression melting away every single time.
He’s got a soft spot, always spouting how he wants a kid of his own. When his nephew tries to pick up a box that’s too heavy for his little arms, Dante does nothing but encourage him.
Vivo returns after a minute after Antonio, looking outright exhausted. Instead of picking up another box, he takes a seat next to it. Swiping away the sweat on his brow, he squints at my husband. “Is all of this really necessary?”
“We’re going to do this the right way.” Romeo sends me a glance, a smile teasing his lips. “No more dirty money. The Franzolli family is going to do things right.”