Page 88 of Proof Of Life
The name rings a bell. Sanderson was on our squad back at Bragg. “Who did you hook up with?”
“I don’t know,” he murmurs, cupping the side of my face as he turns his lips into my neck. “Some chick.”
He covers my hand with his, pressing harder against his dick for friction. I want so badly to lock the door and fuck him over this counter. Why in the hell did I start something I can’t finish?
“Did she bounce on your cock?”
“Mmm, yeah.”
“When we get home, maybe you can show me how good it felt. You can bounce on mine for the rest of the night.”
With the frustrated sigh, he stills my hand. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”
We’re the last to arrive, and McCormick already has his purple yarn out, his project almost complete. Although I can’t figure out what it’s supposed to be for the life of me. I pull out the blue yarn I’m using to make West’s socks. I’ve almost finished the sleeve for his limb.
“The fuck is that supposed to be, a cock ring?” Of course, West, having no filter, asks the question on everyone’s mind.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” McCormick snorts. “It’s handcuffs,” he explains, holding them up like we’re blind.
Stiles scoffs. “What kind of kinky freak knits handcuffs?”
“The kind of kinky freak you wish you were fucking,” he retorts, before blushing bright red. “I didn’t mean me,” McCormick clarifies, looking panicked. “What? Nobody has knitted handcuffs? It makes perfect sense. They don’t chafe your skin.”
He has a point, actually. “I mean, I guess?” West tries to hide his smile, but it shines through. Fuck it. “Hey, do you happen to have the pattern for that?”
“I’ve got you, brother. I’ll email it to you tonight.”
A bark of laughter escapes West’s mouth, and when I glance at him, I see his body shaking as he tries to contain it inside of him.
The cock ring idea has merit as well.
“Looks like Aguilar is tired of the buddy system. He’s ready to strike out on his own,” Jax teases.
Fuck me, they think I want to knit handcuffs to use on a woman. West stares at me a little too long, residual heat from earlier lingering in his dark eyes. His expression is wrongly interpreted by McCormick.
“Wardell doesn’t like that idea. He likes the buddy system. Don’t worry man, I think Carly has a friend who’s single and looking to mingle.”
West just shakes his head, like there’s something fundamentally wrong with McCormick. Which there is. I’m certain of it.
“All right guys, let’s get started,” Riggs calls.
McCormick’s big mouth kicks off the meeting. “I met Betty Beasley, and she asked me for my number.”
“Yeah, so she could put you on her show,” Stiles corrects.
“Yeah, but after she spends time with me, one-on-one, who knows?”
“Jesus Christ,” he murmurs, scrubbing his face. “I’m still employed. So I guess that’s a win.”
Pharo is noticeably absent, so Jax goes next. “I had a setback this week,” he admits, picking at his fingernails. “The only bright spot was when I showed up for a friend,” he says, barely glancing at Stiles. “It might be what saved me.” He refuses to look up and meet anyone’s eyes, staring instead at the holes in his jeans. “I could tell you I’m okay, but I don’t know if I really am. I might need to get with someone after the meeting.”
“Jax, it takes big balls to come here and be honest about the bad days. I don’t have a damn thing to do after the meeting, and I’m all yours for the rest of the day,” Riggs offers.
“Yeah, we’re all free,” West swears, eyeballing each and every Bitch, daring them to disagree.
Mandy goes next. “The closer I get to my surgery, the more I’m struggling. Not just with medical anxiety, but nightmares and PTS. It’s typical for me right before surgery. So,” he says, looking at Jax, “I’m with you, man. It’s a good thing we’re getting together after the meeting, ‘cause I don’t need to be alone today.”
Jax nods, looking slightly relieved.