Page 10 of Father Figure
My heart pounded painfully in my chest. There was no way he couldn't hear it. I swallowed nervously, scared shitless, and giggled.
Cass reached across the table and took my hand in his. He stroked the backs of my fingers softly. “If you want to talk about it, or ask any questions, you can always come to me. I don't want you to be afraid.” His changeable hazel eyes bore into me, and I felt like a fish dangling on the end of his hook–ensnared.
“I- I'll let you know.” And then, like the silly virgin I was, I hastily made my escape from the table and hid in the bathroom.
Way to go Nicky! At this rate, you'll remain a virgin until you die. You can't even talk about sex without giggling and blushing and freezing up.
Waking up aboard the boat was a lot different from waking up on dry land in a cozy bed. The bottom bunk was narrower than a standard twin-sized mattress. It was also a lot thinner. No plush mattress topper, no six-hundred thread count sheets, or fluffy pillows. There were retractable nets installed across the side to hold us in our berths in case we hit rough seas, but I rarely used it because it made me feel claustrophobic. The downside to that was waking up flat on your ass, or your back, on the fucking floor.
Kind of like right now.
Funnily enough, that wasn’t what woke me. It was the sound of banging pots and pans in our tiny kitchen. I usually had to drag Sam out of bed, so I knew it couldn’t be him. Using my bed as leverage to pick myself up off the floor, I shuffled into the kitchen, only to start my day with a smile. A huge smile.
My ex's son was standing at the stove, stirring I don’t know what, wearing pink and purple plaid boxers and calf-length socks. He had earbuds stuffed into his ears and was shaking his tiny bubble butt to something I couldn’t hear, but knowing Nicky, I’d bet my first cup of coffee it was something by Taylor Swift. It was his bedhead that made me laugh—a thick mess of brown wavy locks sticking out in every direction that bounced along with his slender body.
Coming up behind him, I placed my hands on his waist and pressed a kiss to his smooth cheek. “Morning,” I growled, loud enough to be heard over the song hopefully.
Nicky jumped and then laughed at himself. “Good morning. There’s coffee,” he pointed to the machine with a spatula.
I could get used to this real fast—coffee and breakfast waiting for me, a crew mate in a chipper mood, instead of a growly bear, like Sam—I loved seeing Nicky in my space.
He popped his earbuds out and laid them on the counter before filling my plate with eggs, bacon, and buttered toast. The only place to sit was at the banquet on the other side of the divider, but I was loath to leave him, so I set my coffee on the counter and leaned against the wall with my plate in hand to eat standing up.
“Thank you for spoiling me with breakfast. I don’t remember you being an early riser. I used to have to shake you, sit on you, and generally annoy the fuck out of you to get you out of bed for school.”
He popped a chunk of scrambled egg into his mouth and grinned. “I know. I’m just really excited about this trip, about the whole summer, really.”
Because of me? Because I felt it too. Something about this trip felt different, and I knew without a doubt it was because of Nicky.
“Today is our last day before we head back to Cooper’s Cove. Would you spend the day with me? There’s someplace I’d like to show you.”
“What about our guests?”
“They chose to spend the day ashore at an all-inclusive resort where they can take advantage of the pool and tiki bar. Sam offered to stay back and keep an eye on them.”
I wasn’t sure it was possible, but his smile grew wider, stretching from ear to ear. “Yes, please!” He forgot himself in his excitement, wrapping his skinny arms around my waist and hugging my chest. Nicky squealed. “I’d love to spend the day with you. Is it an adventure?”
“You could say that. Definitely an adventure.”
We dropped our guests and Sam at the resort's small marina and then set sail twenty-six miles south to the tiny island of Barbuda.
“I would love to take a glass-bottom boat ride over these waters,” Nicky begged. “I bet the marine life below the surface is out of this world.”
“It is, and I can definitely arrange that for us. Soon.” When we were about halfway there, we came across a pod of dolphins keeping pace with our boat. “Look,” I pointed.
He squealed like the ten-year-old version of Nicky I remembered so well. Some things never changed, thankfully.
When Barbuda came into view, I pulled the boat as close as I could and dropped anchor. We climbed into the dinghy and motored ashore.
“Cass,” he breathed in awe. “The sand is pink! It’s pink,” he clapped with excitement. “What is this place?”
“The island of Barbuda. This is the pink sand beach.”
We climbed out of the boat and walked ashore. Nicky looked hesitant, glancing down at the sand before taking each cautious step.
“It’s okay. It’s safe to walk on.”