Page 45 of Father Figure
I hated to move from between his legs, but I had to pull my weight since it’s what I was hired for. Following Sam below deck, we squeezed into the tiny kitchen, constantly bumping into each other as we worked to prepare dinner for our guests. When the sauce thickened in the seafood pasta, Sam dipped his spoon into the pan and fed me a taste.
Somehow, it felt intimate, him feeding me, staring at my mouth.
“How’s it taste?”
The creamy garlic butter sauce burst over my tongue, waking my palate. “Maybe a squeeze of lemon?”
“Good call.”
Check us out! Working together like a team, like friends. Sam made me feel hyper-aware of myself and our proximity to each other, and every exchange made my heart beat faster. It was a foreign feeling, much different from how Cass made me feel. With Sam, I felt a nervous excitement that made my dick hard and made me feel like I somehow wanted to bend over backward to please him. But with Cass, it was a comfortably familiar connection, and I wasn’t afraid to push our usual boundaries. In fact, I was getting a thrill from seeing how far I could push him, and when he responded, acting like a lover instead of a father figure, my dick became hard as steel.
The boat swayed violently, and Sam stood at my back, bracing his thick corded forearms on the counter on either side of me, caging me against his solid chest. He smelled musky and masculine, and my gut stirred.
“Careful, Little Nicky, hang on to me if you have to.”
Swoon! Taking him up on his offer even though I wasn’t in danger of toppling over, I slid my hands over his forearms and held on tight, leaning back against his chest. He laid his cheek against the side of my head and murmured, “That’s much better.”
I was having wicked thoughts. Thoughts of Sam touching my cock like Cass had, kissing my neck, making me shiver. What if they both touched me at the same time? Like, double-teamed me! Ungh.
I squirmed out of his embrace in a hurry. “I gotta use the bathroom!” I squeaked before rushing off. There was a wet spot on my undies, and I was about to blow!
“Raise the quarantine flag, Nicky,” Cass called from the flybridge.
I saluted him and grabbed the ropes to hoist the yellow flag. It was the same procedure every time we pulled into a new port. We would wait to be boarded by customs officials until we had the all-clear, and then our guests would disembark to begin their excursions. An hour and a half later, we were all set.
Sam stayed aboard the boat with Diane and Richard to do some snorkeling while Cass took me ashore in the dinghy.
I had no idea what he had planned for me, but his excitement was contagious.
He docked the boat at a small marina, and we walked the short distance to a blue and yellow building adjacent to the water. It didn’t look like much, but the sign on the door read Bimini Shark Lab, and my curiosity got the better of me.
“Sharks?” I asked Cass.
“Wait until you see it, Nicky. They have a mangrove sanctuary for baby lemon sharks, where we can observe them in their natural habitat. Then we’ll take a boat further out and dive with reef sharks.”
It was a Marine scientist's wet dream! I couldn’t wait to see sharks up close and personal. I was too excited to even be scared.
Two hours later, Cass tugged on my ankle to get my attention. I turned, peering at him through my mask. He pointed at a shark in the distance, quickly approaching the reef. Adrenaline coursed through my blood, and my heart beat harder and louder under my wetsuit. My first real encounter with a shark. I watched in fascination as he glided over the reef while schools of tiny, colorful fish darted out of his path. It was an unforgettable experience I would add to my growing list of once-in-a-lifetime summer adventures.
Back on shore, we showered and changed in the locker room, and a staff member gave us a ride down the beach to the ferry that would take us to the lighthouse on the tiny island of Great Isaac Cay. The boat ride took approximately forty-five minutes, and we passed through the heart of Bimini’s dolphin grounds.
“Look, Cass!” He smiled at my excitement.
A pod swam beside our boat, cutting through the surface of the turquoise waters with a splash that made us wet.
It was a struggle to climb ashore from the Cay, but it was worth it to reach the top of the old lighthouse.
“You can see the entire Caribbean from here!” I exclaimed. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I counted at least six shades of blue water, and the way the sun sparkled over the surface looked like glittering diamonds as the waves rippled. I saw cruise ships, yachts, sailboats, catamarans, and speedboats, and I waved even though they couldn’t see me.
Cass pressed his warm lips against my skin, nuzzling into the crook of my neck, and I felt gooey inside. “Isn’t it the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?” I asked.
“Not even close,” he whispered in my ear.
Was he wooing me with a pretty compliment? I’d never been wooed. I wanted to be wooed! I wanted romantic dates and sweet, mind-melting kisses. I wanted handholding and starry-eyed gazing. But that wasn’t what I asked for. In my desperate manipulation, I’d convinced Cass I only needed one night with him. All this wooing was a prelude to taking my virginity, and then it would all be over. Like popping a dreamy bubble.
Despite the view and his warm body squeezed against mine, I suddenly felt bereft and empty. Lonely. I hadn’t lost his touch, but I’d lost the dream of having his touch become a lasting thing. What would happen after our night was over? Would things become awkward between us? Would Cass be afraid to touch me again or even hug me? Would our night together become the elephant in the room? All my emotions swirled together into a cocktail of sadness and regret, and I felt them seeping from my eyes. I dashed them away with the back of my hand before he noticed, swallowing hard past the lump forming in the back of my throat.
I felt like I was losing him, and I hadn’t even had him yet.