Page 104 of The Altar Girls
‘What did Alfie do all day Monday?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘School was cancelled. What did he do?’
‘He was at home on his PlayStation, I presume.’
‘You presume? You don’t know?’
‘What is this about?’ Jacinta stared at Lottie before her mouth opened in a wide O. ‘You can’t… you honestly can’t think my little boy killed those girls! No way. For God’s sake, he’s a child himself.’
‘I’ve learned from Ruth Kiernan that Naomi sometimes went to your house after school.’
‘She what? No, that can’t be right. I’d know… wouldn’t I?’
‘Alfie never told you?’
‘I can see where you’re going with this, Inspector, but he’s a good boy.’
Lottie flicked a few pages in the file in front of her before closing it with a slap. ‘Earlier today, Alfie took Naomi’s four-year-old-sister, Bethany, from her home. We found her abandoned in the public toilets at the rear of the cathedral.’
‘What? No way. He couldn’t do that. He didn’t.’
‘He did. We have him on CCTV.’
Jacinta was silent for a moment, hand to her mouth. ‘Is she okay? The little girl.’
‘Yes. But we can’t find your son.’
‘You think he’s a kidnapper and a murderer? This is ridiculous. I need to go find him. Can I leave?’
They had nothing to hold her on. Not yet, anyhow. ‘You’re free to leave any time you wish.’
Jacinta picked up her coat, hat and scarf and bundled out of the room.
Lottie stared at the door, wondering if any of what she’d been told was the truth.
Alfie still hadn’t been located when Lottie checked in with the team. The longer the boy was missing, the more she feared he was in danger.
She could do with extra hands on deck, but Boyd was off the grid.
‘Where’s Boyd?’ she asked.
McKeown raised his head before quickly lowering it again to concentrate on whatever CCTV he had on his screen.
Lottie leaned over and whispered in his ear. ‘If you know where he is, now would be a good time to tell me.’
He jerked his head back and she sidestepped an imminent accidental headbutt. Maybe her tone had been too threatening.
‘Sorry, boss. He met with that Julian Bradley earlier and there was some sort of altercation, so he had to go home to change and—’
‘Altercation? What happened?’ She stood, hands on hips.
‘Don’t know. He came back wearing clean trousers. Erm, then he read something on a news feed that spooked him.’
‘What did he see?’