Page 113 of The Altar Girls
‘Do you know anything about this, Lynch?’
‘Nope, and I should go home to my family. I’ve worked so many hours I’ve lost count.’
‘Yeah, go. Sorry. Time and rosters fly out the window when we have a big investigation.’
‘If you want me to stay, I will,’ Lynch offered.
‘Good Lord, no, I wasn’t being sarcastic. Really, go on. I mean it. I’m heading off myself in a bit.’ Maria Lynch had small children, but Lottie knew that Ben, her husband, was always ready to help her out.
‘Phone if you need me.’ Lynch waved her mobile and left them.
‘Where is Alfie?’ Lottie said.
‘We will find him,’ Kirby said.
‘I hope so, because I’m afraid for him. But to cover all possibilities, maybe we should trace the movements of his mother’s car. If, and it’s a big if, he is involved, they might be working together in this.’
‘It’s possible, but not probable.’
‘Where did Lynch locate Jacinta Nally when she brought her in for questioning?’
‘I…’ Kirby flicked through a mass of papers in front of him. ‘I don’t know. Will I call her back?’
‘Leave her be for tonight. We can confirm it in the morning. We can’t all be going around like zombies. Have you another Mars bar?’
He slid one across to her and unwrapped another for himself.
‘What are we going to do about Ruth Kiernan?’ he asked, mouth full, chewing.
‘She’s not charged with anything yet, so I let her go home. She won’t have a solicitor until morning and we can interview her then.’
‘Are you sure her children will be safe with her there?’
‘Isaac won’t let her touch them.’
‘He could be as bad as her. After all, he did deck the social worker.’
‘I’ve logged a call with child services, and Garda Brennan is with the family.’
Lottie’s eyes glazed as she peered at the progress, or lack thereof, highlighted on the incident board. She needed proper food.
‘Er, no, she’s not,’ Kirby said.
She swung around to face him. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Isaac told Martina to leave. He blames her for the incident with Bethany and Alfie.’
‘Shit. We need to have someone watching them. Who can I get to go over there?’ She stared hard at Kirby, and he shook his head.
‘No way, boss. I’m heading up to Dun Laoghaire to see Amy. I know we’re busy, but I promised.’
‘That’s fine. What about McKeown? No.’ She answered her own question.
‘He’d probably start a row with Isaac.’
‘Exactly. Garda Lei is at Willow’s house. Maybe I could switch him to Kiernan’s and send Martina to the Devine place. What do you think?’
‘Boss, she’s off duty now and everyone is wrecked. The shifts are way above recommendations and Superintendent Farrell will be on to you about overtime next.’