Page 12 of The Altar Girls
Lottie felt warmth for the first time since she’d set eyes on Naomi’s body. She welcomed it, leaned up and kissed him. He tightened his arms around her.
‘You can’t beat yourself up over every murder,’ he murmured.
‘Like you can’t beat yourself up over not finding your son.’
‘Thanks,’ he said, the single word filled with hurt.
‘I didn’t mean it like that. I need you, Boyd. You’ll come back to work tomorrow, won’t you?’
‘Of course I will. It’s the first time in ages that you’ve said you needed me – and not in a sexual sense.’
‘Who said I didn’t mean it that way?’ She grinned, and some of the tension floated away, though she knew that once she set foot in the office tomorrow morning it would return.
‘What’s that?’ Boyd said, cocking an ear.
‘What’s what?’
‘Noise from your bag. Your phone’s vibrating.’
‘Shit and double shit.’ She stood and fetched her handbag from the counter. ‘It’s Chloe.’
Leaning against the fridge, she answered her daughter, knowing her time with Boyd was about to be cut short.
No preamble. No How are you? Are you busy? Just, ‘Mother? Where are you?’
Chloe only called her Mother when she was annoyed or angry. Not that long ago those were her constant emotions.
‘I’m at Boyd’s. Why?’
‘You better get over to Gran’s, like yesterday.’
Straightening her back in anticipation of the incoming onslaught, Lottie closed her eyes. ‘What’s happened?’
‘I’d need a degree in psychiatry to explain it. Mam, please, I can’t cope with her any more. Remember I said I’d do this for a trial period? Well, now I want to move back home. It’s so not working out. Are you on your way over yet?’
‘Be there in ten.’
‘Huh? I’m your daughter, not one of your minions.’
‘Sorry, Chloe, today’s been a long day and I’ve had a traumatic last few hours.’
‘And I haven’t? Like it hasn’t been a long day for me too? Huh?’ Chloe hung up.
Slipping the phone back in her bag, Lottie said, ‘You heard all that?’
‘Most of it.’ Boyd ambled over. ‘Want me to come with you for moral support?’
‘No thanks, even though my mother loves you.’ She put a hand on his chest. ‘But I do want you at your desk in the morning, bright and early, clean shirt and suit. Can you manage that for me?’
‘Your wish is my command.’
She smiled, ran her hand along his cheek, before turning away to pick up her coat and bag. She headed to the door.
‘See you tomorrow, Boyd. And don’t forget to shave.’
It was gone midnight by the time Lottie pulled up in front of her mother’s house on the opposite side of town. All the lights were on. Outside and inside.