Page 161 of The Altar Girls
‘What’s happening with Zara Devine?’ Martina asked.
‘Waiting for a solicitor.’ Lei exhaled and his breath held in the cold air. ‘Those little kiddies. Locked into their rooms at night. I can hardly believe it. What’s the story with him?’ He nodded towards the cell.
‘I’m sure the boss will find out,’ Martina said.
* * *
With Julian seated in the stuffy interview room, Lottie sipped the cup of canteen coffee that Kirby had fetched for her. The putrid tar should keep her alert. She needed to get a handle on Bradley’s role in all of this. Despite being arrested, he had waived his right to a solicitor, which suited her just fine. All she wanted were answers and a DNA sample.
His face was thin and drawn, no curves, just indented lines. He’d swept his hair behind his ears, but strands fell over his face like a tattered curtain.
‘I did not intend any harm to Sinead or Annie,’ he said before she could open her mouth.
‘Seems a stretch for me to believe that. We found Carol concussed on Sinead’s floor.’
‘That was an accident. I pushed her out of my way and she fell over.’
‘Forensic evidence will determine what happened.’ She hoped. ‘Why were you there at all?’
‘I wanted Sinead to report on the lack of justice for damaged children. She just had to say what I told her.’
‘And you were going to coerce her to do that by abducting her daughter?’
‘No! You’re wrong.’ He flailed his hands in the air. ‘Why would I do that?’
‘You tell me.’
His shoulders slumped. ‘I’m sorry. I’ve been badly affected by the deaths of Naomi and Willow. Naomi should not have died. I worked hard to keep her safe. I tried my best and went above and beyond what I was supposed to do.’
‘You certainly went above and beyond in Sinead Healy’s house.’
‘I admit I lost my head for a bit. I’m very sorry about that, but it’s demoralising to fail.’
‘It’s human nature.’
‘It’s inhuman that children have to die when it can be prevented.’ His voice rose an octave.
‘I agree, but as you say, we can only do our best. I want to talk to you about Father Keith Maguire.’
‘What about him?’ His eyes lost their hooded despondency and sparked with alertness.
‘You spoke with him, isn’t that right?’
‘I did.’
‘Go on.’
‘I wanted him to keep an eye out for one of his parishioners.’
‘Zara Devine?’
‘No, Ruth Kiernan. You know that.’
‘Did you talk about Zara Devine and her children?’
‘Not to warn him about them, just in general.’
‘That means you knew Zara. Correct?’