Page 41 of The Altar Girls
‘That reporter woman. So many guards about too. It’s not safe.’
‘Speak for yourself. I’m helping the families and assisting Inspector Parker where I can. It’s good to keep in with the guards. I don’t want to give anyone a reason to ask questions of me. Do you hear me? Are you even listening? And stop pacing. You’re like a bull in a ring getting ready to gore a matador. You’re making me nervous. What reporter has you so rattled?’
‘Can’t remember her name. A news reporter. She was quizzing Alfie but he ran away from her, then I intervened. I swear to the good Lord Almighty that woman was totally suspicious of me.’
Keith laughed heartily. Father Pearse was such an alarmist.
‘You need to get a grip, Dicky. Why would she be suspicious of you? You’ve nothing to hide, have you?’
‘Very funny. You should be worried. Don’t say I haven’t warned you.’ Pearse slammed the door on his way out.
Lottie was just settled behind her desk when she got a call from Grainne.
‘Jane has been and gone,’ the SOCO said. ‘I asked her to check the child’s hands. She was reluctant in case evidence might be compromised and because of the rosary, but she said to tell you that there is a piece of paper lodged there. She’ll let you know more when she has the body back in Tullamore.’
‘It has to be the same killer so. Did Jane have a cause of death?’
‘Not yet, but she said everything looks similar to last night’s victim.’
Lottie flinched. Calling a child a victim made her shiver.
‘Anything else from your end?’
‘Nothing to give any clue as to who did this. Sorry.’
‘Keep at it, Grainne.’
She ended the call and leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes, trying to think.
The phone rang again.
‘Garda Brennan here. Sorry to disturb you, boss, but that Father Maguire called in to visit Ruth Kiernan.’
‘He what?’
‘Well, he is a priest, and she’s religious and didn’t seem to mind. At first. But when he spoke about her husband, she got angry and stormed upstairs.’
‘She’s still hurting over Isaac ending up in jail.’
‘I get that, but the priest said something odd to me as he left.’
‘He said to watch the children. And that sometimes the enemy comes from within. I wrote it down in case I forgot.’
‘I wonder what he meant by that?’
‘I haven’t a clue but thought I’d tell you.’
‘Thanks, Martina. And be mindful of the two little ones. If you notice anything unusual or disturbing, call me straight away.’
‘Got it.’
‘Enemy from within,’ Lottie murmured when she’d put the phone down. What did that mean?
Before she had time to mull it over, her mobile rang. Shit. Katie.