Page 59 of The Altar Girls
‘The buildings across the road from Connolly’s Funeral Home.’
‘Is that the doctor’s office?’
‘No, I’ve looked at that one. This is some health service department.’ Lei searched through the pile of files and papers. ‘Can’t find which one it is now. Outsourced something or other.’
‘Don’t worry about it. If you find anything, leave a note on my desk and I’ll follow it up in the morning.’
‘If you’re heading home to Athlone, be careful on the roads. Warnings of black ice and more showers of snow.’
‘Don’t know where I’m going, to be honest. Might get a pint and decide then.’
He caught Lei squinting at him.
‘Martina was relieved at Kiernan’s earlier. FYI.’
‘That ship has sailed,’ McKeown said.
‘Oh, sorry.’ Lei blushed.
McKeown was on the verge of asking him for a bed for the night when Martina herself appeared at the door. She was dressed in civvies. Wrapped up against the winter weather outside. She walked towards him.
‘One night, Sam. The couch. That’s all I’m offering.’
He sighed loudly, relieved. ‘Pint first?’
She shook her head, handed him a key and headed for the door. ‘You can have one, or ten, I don’t care. Just don’t wake me up. I’m shattered after today.’
She walked out the door, leaving McKeown with his outstretched hand holding the key.
Garda Lei quickly returned his gaze to the screen with a low whistle. ‘I think that ship you mentioned has actually sunk.’
* * *
The house was quiet when Lottie eventually arrived home. She threw her wet boots into the corner by the door, then, realising she’d have to wear them again tomorrow, gathered them up and brought them to leave by the range to dry out.
She needed to put a wash into the machine and fetch a change of clothes. If she even had anything clean. Then she’d have to drive over to her mother’s for the night.
Sean came into the kitchen trailing a string of tinsel and lounged on the door of the refrigerator, head stuck in looking for something.
‘I put the Christmas tree up, Mam, but there’s nothing to eat.’
‘You know where the shops are.’ She hadn’t meant to be sharp, but she was jaded. ‘I thought Chloe or Katie might have got in groceries.’
‘Those two? You’re joking me? Louis came home from Safari Sue’s with a bag of sweets and an armload of chocolate, wired to the moon. He gave me a toffee bar.’
‘He’ll be up all night,’ Lottie said, and dropped onto a chair, her body suddenly feeling too heavy for her feet.
Sean shut the fridge door. ‘God, Mam, you look like death warmed up.’
‘If I could warm up, I’d take that. Where are the girls anyway?’
‘Chloe is gone to Fallon’s to work her shift and Katie is upstairs trying to get Louis off the light shade.’
Lottie stared at him.
‘Joking,’ he said. ‘Will I make you a cuppa?’
‘I’d love that. But it has to be quick. I’ve to go to Granny Rose’s for the night.’