Page 74 of The Altar Girls
‘I did. Her mother often forgot to collect her.’
‘Will you allow us to examine your car?’
His body immediately tensed and a steely glare filled his eyes. Jutting out his chin, he said, ‘I don’t see why you’d need to do that. You already know I gave her a lift.’
‘Did you ever have Willow in your car?’
‘I can’t recall, but it’s a possibility.’
‘You’re refusing, then?’
‘I believe I am. I have nothing to hide, but this feels like harassment. You’ll have to get a warrant.’
She would, once she found a sympathetic judge. She changed the direction of her questions.
‘How well do you know Maurice Connolly?’
‘The undertaker? Quite well. He’s a diligent mortician. Takes his work seriously. Why do you ask?’
She dipped her head then looked up at him, and he got the message. She was the person asking the questions.
‘How well is quite well?’
‘As a priest, I officiate at funerals, as you know. I doubt he did this. He’s a gentle giant. I’ve never heard a complaint against him or a bad word said.’
‘You still didn’t answer my question. How well—’
‘I don’t go to Cafferty’s or Danny’s for pints with him if that’s what you mean. I don’t think I’ve ever had reason to meet him outside of his funeral home, or the cathedral or a cemetery on funeral days. I only know him in his line of duty, to answer your question.’
‘Okay. Have you anyone to verify your movements from eight on Monday morning to midday on Tuesday?’
‘So I am a suspect.’
She went to speak, but he raised his hand.
‘It’s okay. You have your job to do. I live in a house with other priests, but my rooms are my sanctuary, and by the nature of my vows I sleep alone. I don’t have anyone to corroborate when I was there. But I already told you that I set the altar for eight a.m. Mass, then went to the hospital for sick calls Monday morning before heading into the community centre around twelve until two thirty. Not many turned up because the weather was so bad. Later I visited the hospital and the nursing home out in Gaddstown. You can get verification for that, for the community centre and my sick calls. I spent most if not all of the rest of the day indoors. Had lunch with Father Pearse. I had my dinner in the kitchen and then read in my room.’ His voice had an edge to it now.
‘The kitchen staff can confirm this?’
‘We cook for ourselves. I reheated the previous day’s lunch and then ate snacks.’
‘Can we search your rooms?’
‘Get a warrant.’
Surely Maguire would slip up at some stage if he was the killer. She needed to get a handle on him, and so far she was failing. Time to change direction again.
‘Alfie, the boy who found Naomi’s body, what do you make of him?’
‘Ah now, leave it out, Inspector. You can’t suspect an eleven-year-old kid of this crime?’
She stared hard at him and he got the message.
‘Alfie’s a troubled boy, from what I’ve heard, and when he joined the choir it was a surprise to his mother. I’ve spoken with Jacinta and she tells me she’s seen a marked improvement in his behaviour. Music is a balm for the soul, Inspector. You should try it.’
‘I’d clear out the cathedral after two notes, I can assure you.’ Maybe a little lightness might gain her entry to his mind.
‘You don’t know until you’ve given it a go.’