Page 30 of Wild Hearts
I’m not sure if it’s all the self-help books and podcasts I’ve consumed or the work of Suitor’s Crossing’s heart sparks at play, but there’s an audience of one cheering me on from inside my head.
Yes, girl, tell him!
Damn, when did you get so wise?
Wes’s response will determine whether it actually has any effect, but whatever his reaction, I’m still proud of how calmly and bravely I voiced my opinion, my hope for our future. I’ve never done that before with anything.
A chuckle isn’t what I expected.
It starts small then grows until his chest vibrates with the sound, tingling along my breasts and making my thighs rub together for relief. He may love my laughter, but his is sex personified.
Deep. Raspy. Teasing.
“Glad you find me so amusing,” I huff, annoyed with my body’s reaction when we’re having a serious conversation.
Wes sobers and cups my cheek. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you or what you said. It’s just that you kind of proved my point by being so smart and telling me to pull my head out of my ass in the politest way possible.”
Well, when he puts it that way…
A tentative grin loosens my pinched mouth. “Does that mean you’re going to listen to me? Or do I need to be less polite about what I want?”
“Baby, you couldn’t be anything less than who you are, no matter how hard you tried, but you’ve given me a lot to think about.”
He scoots down the couch to rest his head on my round stomach, inhaling loudly before releasing it in a rush. “I don't want to talk about this anymore.” As if to punctuate his statement, he brushes his lips over my cotton-covered belly button.
“Okay.” Because I’m done talking, too. I want more of his kisses. More of what Wes has only hinted at giving me in the past.
“Okay?” he asks, glancing up to figure out how certain I am.
Nodding, my fingers dive into his hair to drag him upward until our mouths are even with each other. I lick my lips, and Wes’s gaze hones in on the spot like an eagle spotting its prey from a mile away.
That’s me, the little mouse offering herself up to a dangerous predator, eager to be devoured by the fire in his eyes.
Grace made solid points.
And frankly, my dick agrees with every single one.
My mind? Well, I’ve decided to shut it off and enjoy the moment, because I’ve finally got Grace’s beautiful curves pressed against me, begging for the attention I’m desperate to give.
My hands slip beneath her shirt to shape the softness of her belly before sliding higher. Her budded nipples have been poking through the thin fabric, taunting me this entire time, so it’s only fair that I return the favor, rolling them between my fingertips.
Grace’s hips buck beneath mine. “Wes!”
“God, I love it when you say my name,” I growl, lapping at her shiny lips with my tongue then dropping lower to suckle her lush breast through the cotton tee. I switch to her other nipple, leaving a dark wet circle behind.
Unerringly, one hand shifts to lightly circle her throat, and the breathy moan she releases has my cock grinding deeper into her pussy.
My name becomes a repetitive melody as I claim her body as my own, driving her closer to satisfaction with each brush of my lips, each caress of my hand.
“Give it to me, baby. Let me hear how sweetly a pretty girl like you can come for a man like me. I’m too rough and dirty for my innocent little Gracie. I knew that the moment we met. Knew it when I left those marks on your skin. Remember those, sweetheart?”
She shudders in my arms.
So close.