Page 5 of Wild Hearts
And that’s why I’ve never been interested in relationships.
My mom grew up in an upper middle-class family before falling for my dad in high school and ‘downgrading’—her description, not mine.
Frankly, lust seems more likely than love, but either way, my parents ended up together and had me at the ripe old age of eighteen. Even as a kid, I recognized how different my mom and dad were from each other, and when Mom packed her belongings and hightailed it out of the trailer park? Well, I can’t say I was surprised.
Doesn’t mean it didn’t sting like a motherfucker those first few years.
Until it became obvious how selfish she was on the rare times she deigned to visit me.
Then I got smart and vowed to never let another woman fuck around with my heart again.
After a week of settling into Suitor’s Crossing, I’m in love with the cozy little town. People are friendly, including my boss Jack Casey, Sr., which is a welcome change from my last job. My measly belongings are unpacked in the apartment I’m sharing with Elsie now that Avery moved in with her fiance, and it feels like life is affirming my decision to start over here.
Which includes my plans for tonight.
On cue, my phone vibrates with a text from Kayla saying she’s waiting for me outside, and I hurry to finish getting ready. Kayla is married to Mr. Casey’s son, Brandon, and when she asked me to join her for a girls' night, I couldn’t refuse the opportunity to make friends.
Because, let’s face it, socializing is not my strong suit. I’ve never been brave enough to approach strangers and strike up a conversation. That’s why Elsie, Avery, and I are so close—we’re three peas in a pod. Although Avery has emerged from her hermit shell since meeting Dominic.
But this move is meant to help me become who I’ve always wanted to be—a woman who ventures out of her comfort zone to experience new things.
A woman who puts herself out there.
The only downside to this evening is that Elsie and Avery can’t make it. Because while I talk a big game about change, I’d still like the security blanket of my best friends.
After double-checking myself in the bathroom mirror, I grab a jacket, pet Shadow goodbye, and head outside to Kayla’s idling vehicle. I’m not sure where we’re headed, but I figure I’ll be safe in dark jeans and a dressy navy tank with a silver zipper down the front. My hair rests loose and wild over my shoulders, since I gave up trying to tame the curls a long time ago.
“Hey!” Kayla greets me as soon as I open the side door of a gold Suburban. “This is Brittany and Lindsey. Girls, this is Grace. She works with Brandon.”
I slide into the backseat and smile at the two women. They ask the basic questions of where I’m from and why I moved before reverting to their previous conversation: some spat with another mother on the PTA.
Settling into the leather seat, my attention splits between listening to their conversation and counting to ten over and over again to calm my nerves. It’s been a while since I’ve hung out with people I don’t know extremely well, and the unknown expectations are already starting to get to me.
“Before we show you the best spots around town, we’re gonna show you the worst, so you know what to avoid,” Kayla says as she turns into a crowded parking lot. “Welcome to The Ole Aces.”
“Home of dirty drunks and filthy bikers who may or may not have done time in prison,” Brittany chimes in.
“But they definitely have.” Kayla smirks, meeting my gaze in the rearview mirror.
Um, what?
“If these guys are dangerous, why are we hanging out here?” Seems like a no-brainer to avoid this place. A warning would have been sufficient, and we could have skipped this whole scene.
Bars have never been my thing, anyway.
I was secretly hoping for a nice dinner out on Main Street.
Stop being a coward. It hasn’t worked for you so far.
“Oh, they know better than to mess with one of us. Brandon’s dad is a big name around here. The Casey family helped found Suitor’s Crossing. They may have even originated the heart sparks legend.”
A rundown of my bosses’ background is unexpected and a little intimidating. I had no idea the Caseys were so influential. Avery hadn’t mentioned it after redecorating the law firm’s offices.
“Looks like a lot of Reaper’s Wolves guys are here tonight,” Brittany says, nodding ahead. Except for a gap allowing people access to the entrance, a line of gleaming motorcycles form a barricade in front of the bar.