Page 41 of Risk
I glance up from my stupor and blink a few times before my brain functions properly.
Mason sinks into the chair across from me. Decked out in another black three-piece suit, he shoots me a sly smile that, looking more weary than mischievous, plays on his lips. “Double espresso?”
My tightening throat makes it hard to say, “Triple today.”
He whistles. “Sounds serious.”
The joke lands flat because we’re both staring at each other with mixed emotions. I want to hide under a rock, and he looks like someone kicked his puppy.
Brows furrowed, Mason leans forward with his hands clasped. “Leah, if I—”
“I’m sorry I ghosted you. That was immature and uncalled for.” The last thing I want is for Mason to feel like he did anything wrong when he did everything right. “I’m just overwhelmed.”
“Is this where you say, ‘It’s not you, it’s me, Mason, and I wish we could be more, but my life is a mess right now and I don’t think going into a relationship is something I can handle at this point in my life’?”
All I can do is blink at him.
“I get it,” he says, tapping his finger on the table. “We kind of fell into each other a little too perfectly the other night.”
I blink some more.
“You’re not the only one who doesn’t beg, Leah. I’m not about to get on my knees and plead for you to let me into your life. Nor am I the kind of man who walks away from something I really want.” He looks out the window for a second and draws in a long breath, then exhales it slowly. “I’m leaving for California and won’t be back for a few days.”
My heart sinks to the floor.
“If you want to see me again, Princess, say the word and I’ll make it happen.”
What’s that even mean?
“If I don’t hear from you…” He regards me with steel eyes that don’t hide rejection well. “You’re incredible, Leah, and I’m happy to have had the privilege of spending a little time with you.” He gets up and knocks the table gently with his knuckles. “Have a beautiful day, Princess.”
I watch him leave, my flabbers gasted. When I snag my drink to chug it, my gaze falls on a business card he’s left on the table.
My hands shake when I pick it up.
I have no idea how he found me here. I have no clue why I’m holding this piece of cardstock like it’s the holy grail either. What I do know is that when I flip it over and see his message on the back, my heart expands painfully in my chest.
Take a risk with me.
Tears fill my eyes, which is preposterous. It was just a one-night stand. This isn’t real. We’re from completely different worlds. We’re—
I bolt from my chair and out the door. “Mason!” I yell, expecting to him stop.
But he’s already gone.
Chapter 14
It’s been four days. Four days of getting my ass back in gear with my new merger. Four days I’ve resisted the temptation of logging into Daisy Motherfucking Ren’s site and requesting a private chat. Four days of jerking off to the memory of her taste on my tongue.
Four days of pure fucking hell.
My torture finally came to an end when I saw her sweet ass marching down the sidewalk and swinging open the café door with so much gusto, she knocked an outside chair over.
It’s like the universe smiled down on me with the worst timing possible. I’m on my way to the airport, running late because I was still catching up on paperwork, and then I derailed my plans, parked my car in the middle of the street because there were no empty spots, and gave Leah all the time I could spare before dashing out again, so I won’t miss my flight.
Christ, what the fuck is wrong with me? She’s just a woman.