Page 59 of Risk
After an hour of searching, I finally found a café employee who was nice enough to let me use their charging station.
Not wanting to be a big pain in the butt, I only charged my phone enough to order a ride and thanked them with my last ten dollars, which I put in the tip jar. As bad as I wanted to check all my notifications, I was still in the red for my battery and didn’t want to risk draining it dead again.
Unlocking the suite door, it swings open hard, and I stumble inside, running smack into a big body. I drop my purse and dress on the floor as I scream. “Holy shit, you scared me!” What’s Mason doing back already? “You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Slapping his arm, I clutch my chest. “For real. I think I’m stroking out.”
He doesn’t say a word. Silence stretches between us.
“You didn’t answer any of my calls or texts.”
I don’t want him to think I left him on read –ahem, like he did me—but I also don’t want him to think I’m at his beck and call either. “My cell died.”
His brow pinches together as he stares at me. “I was worried.”
“Sorry.” Wait. Why am I apologizing? “It’s been a sucky day.”
He grabs my hand and leads me into the suite. When he drops into a chair, he pulls me onto his lap. “What made it sucky?”
Shrugging, I feel like a brat for even saying anything. “Meh. I don’t think California is for me.”
He huffs a laugh. “It’s not for me either.” Running his hand in circles on my back, his touch soothes me. “Did you find a dress?”
“Yes. I got the purple one.”
He knows which one I mean because he was online earlier when I was showing off the choices. The instant I saw his profile pop up, I nearly choked on my persona and wished it was just him online with me. “Does it really not bother you?”
“Does what not bother me?”
“The Daisy Ren stuff.”
“Not at all. I like watching. I like knowing others are watching you, too.”
Watch, but not touch. “Are you… I mean, have you ever shared a woman with someone else before?”
“Would you?” My heart gallops nervously, waiting for his response.
Mason stops rubbing my back. “No.”
I don’t know what answer I was expecting. “But you’d let them watch me?”
“Mmm hmm.”
“Have you ever been watched?”
Our gazes lock when I look over my shoulder. I hold my breath.
“Only by you,” he finally says.
That’s hard to believe. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. I don’t normally put myself out there. But lately, I’ve been wanting to test my limits.”
“With me?”
“Yeah. With you.”