Page 85 of Risk
My heart stops.
Mason leans against the archway of his living room with his arms crossed. He tips his head and narrows his gaze. “What was his name again?”
“Mason,” I walk around the coffee table with butterflies in my belly.
“Mason.” He puckers his mouth and saunters towards me. “There are a lot of Masons out there. You’ll have to be more specific.”
“Mason motherfucking Finch.” I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him tightly.
His eyes widen. “Hey that’s me.”
Fireworks blast through my heart, lighting me up from the inside out. “It sure is, you lucky sucker.”
“I’ve missed you, Princess.”
“I didn’t think you were coming back until next Tuesday.”
“Yeah, well, that was too long to be away from you.”
I agree. “This is nutty.” I shove his hair back and kiss him.
“Nutty was thinking I could go without you so damn long.”
Chapter 26
My plans changed drastically the instant I made it back to New York. I had everything in line, ready to execute, but my mind couldn’t latch onto anything other than Leah. Texts and FaceTime calls weren’t enough. I wanted to touch her. Smell her. Kiss and hold her.
I came back as soon as I could, even while the rest of my world has likely caught on fire.
The instant Leah’s in my arms, I know I’ve made the right decision. She calms the frenzy in me. Doesn’t seem possible, considering she’s a ball of energy all the time.
Leah sounds so hopeful when she asks, “Are you staying here for good?”
“Yes and no. I still have to pack, and there’s a gala to go to this weekend, but that’s an overnighter. I’ll have someone else handle selling my house.”
“And how are my boys?”
She teased me the other night over the phone about Landon, Kerrington, and Gage being her boys. I love how she fits so perfectly in our found family.
“They’re getting into trouble with their new money, I’m sure.”
Leah laughs. “Well, if I win the lottery one day, I’ll be going bananas for a hot minute too.”
Why wait for miracles? “Say the word and I’ll write you a check. You can pretend you won the lottery and go on a spree.”
Leah smacks my shoulder playfully. We head into the kitchen, and she sits on a stool while I get a drink of water. “Not to ruin the mood, but I need to talk to you about something, Mason.”
There’s nothing she could say that would ruin my good mood. “Go for it.”
“I haven’t asked because I didn’t think it was my business, but Landon said something to me at the club and it’s been bugging me.”
My body tenses. If he said something that made her feel bad or uncomfortable, best friend or not, I’ll kill him. “What did he say?”
“It’s about selling BanditFX.”
I relax. “Oh?”