Page 34 of Viper
Then again, if hewasan archangel, he’d likely never stepped foot in this realm before. They usually didn’t. But how else could there be something here that he’d in any way value?
“No offspring,” he said, the ring of truth in his voice. “I’d ask if you have children of your own, but I already know the answer to that. As I said outside the pool hall, I pay attention when someone intrigues me.”
Downing more of her drink, she narrowed her eyes. “Pay attention, or look into them?”
That should annoy her. Right? She wasn’t sure—it was hard to think straight when he kept his stare locked on hers. A stare so steady and unrelenting that the hairs on the back of her neck rose.
Ella had never had anyone watch her withsuch focus. It should have been off-putting. Should have made her bristle. Instead, it made her blood heat.
She also probably should have been uncomfortable with how close he stood or, at the very least, unnerved by him quite possibly being a fallen archangel. But instead, she felt at ease. Safe. Unfazed.
Maybe he had that effect on others, too—a left-over product of him once having been a holy being. One thing was clear. “You like to stare, don’t you?”
“At you, yes.” Viper gave her a slow eye-bang, and need swallowed his pupils. “There’s much to look at. I don’t think I’ve ever seen hair your shade of red.” His brow lifted. “Dye?”
Having knocked back the last of her gin and tonic, she set the glass on the bar. “No, it’s my natural color.” But she got that question a lot. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen eyes as blue as yours.” They were too blue. “Contacts?”
His lips twitched. “No.”
A loud laugh sounded as a rowdy group pushed through the crowd.
Viper smoothly herded her aside, the move almost protective … and suddenly they were in the alcove where she’d minutes ago seen two patrons having a ‘moment’. Said patrons were now gone. The only people stood in the shadows were her and Viper, which seemed to make her body more painfully aware of him.
Her demon should have been wary at being alone with him, all things considered. But the entity was more curious than anything else. Then again, it had no actual aversion to danger. Quite the opposite.
A warm, calloused fingertip whispered down the side of her throat, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. “Tell me something.”
She swallowed, butterflies going nuts in her stomach. “What?”
“Did you really only come here to watch over your sister?”
“Why would you ask that?”
“You could have worn something subtle and concealing to help send the message that you’re not here to partake in any … activities. But you chose this little black number that’s all satin and lace and bares lots of skin.”
If she was honest with herself, she could admit there was some part of her that wanted to follow Mia’s lead, despite the fact that … “A quick fuck in the dark with a stranger isn’t really my thing.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t try it at least once.” He glided even closer and palmed the sides of her face, his gaze drifting over every feature. “You’re fucking breathtaking.” He lightly brushed his thumb over the corner of her mouth, tracing the curve. “The first time I saw you, you were wearing the same lipstick you’re wearing now.”
She tried recalling what color it was. Nude, maybe. It was a little hard to think when explicit images were raining down on her, threatening to stain her cheeks with a blush.
A gleam of uncurbed need in his eyes, he dipped his head. “All I wanted to do was smear it all over your lips while I fucked them.” The words were low and smooth but with a guttural edge.
Her stomach clenched so hard it hurt. “Is that a fact?” Her voice cracked, and his eyes lit like those of a jungle cat scenting prey.
He ghosted the tip of his nose along the side of hers. “Oh, it’s a fact.”
She gasped as his hands skated upward and dived into her hair. Her demon hummed, seduced by his power and strength and … some darker element. It was as if beneath his skin buzzed a sense of depraved restlessness. She couldn’t quite explain it.
Having his hands on her felt like she was being touched by sin. Which was a really weird way to put it, but there was just somethingdarkin his touch. Not evil, not defiling, but … corrupt, maybe?
It wasn’t off-putting, it was seductive. Drugging. Enticing.
His pupils completely blown, he stared down at her as he gave a slight, reprimanding shake of the head. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
She felt her brows draw together. “What? Why n—?”