Page 93 of Viper
He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Another time, I’ll tell you the rest.”
“Why not now?”
“I don’t want to pile everything on you at once. My tale is a long story with several moving parts—a lot to take in and process.”
Her eyes went slitted. “That’s not the only reason you’re holding back. Admit it, you’re stalling.”
Viper slid one hand up to palm the side of her neck. “Be fair, baby,” he said, his tone soft. “You’re asking me to tell you my deepest, darkest secrets. And you’re asking me to do it merely to appease your curiosity. I need the certainty that you’re not going anywhere before I lay it all out. You can’t give me that yet, can you?”
Her head flicked to the side. “You don’t want me to go anywhere?”
“Of course I fucking don’t.”
She licked her lips, something warm flashing in her gaze. “We suck at keeping things simple, don’t we?”
“We do.” They had in her previous life as well, their connection too intense; a connection that ran soul-deep. Humming, he delved a proprietary hand into her hair and loosely fisted it. “So I’m thinking I should keep you. It makes sense, since I’d want to rip out the throat of anyone who touched you.”
She gave him a wan smile. “Seems we have a bit of a conundrum, then. You’re hesitant to tell me until you’re confident I’m sticking around, which I get … but I can’t fully commit to you when there’s so much I don’t know.”
Viper had figured as much, hence why he was intent on reeling her so far in she’d never think of walking away. “For now … I say we keep going as we are. Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“Like you said, we suck at keeping things simple. So let’s complicate them a little.”
“In what way?”
“We stop calling what we have an arrangement or a fling and call it what it really is.”
Her mouth quirked. “A relationship.”
He nodded, relieved she’d admitted it. “It might not have been in your original plans, but it’s what we have. So let’s just keep building on it.”
Her throat bobbed. “Okay.”
Feeling his lips bow up, he lowered his face to hers. “Good.” He gave her a quick kiss. “What’s with the frown?”
“I’m worried that others might find out your secret. You’re sure you can keep it under wraps?”
“My kind have been doing it since they first fell eons ago.”
“But with the technology we have today, it isn’t so easy to keep secrets. Everyone’s a photographer in this day and age, thanks to the cameras on their cell phones.”
“Which is why my brothers and I only feed here in the club. It reduces the risk of anyone seeing anything they shouldn’t, as does the fog and the darkness. You ever tried to snap a picture in the club? They always come out fuzzy and staticky.”
“Hmm, Ihaven’tactually attempted it. That you guys are powerful enough to render cameras useless is impressive.” She cocked her head. “What about when you feed during battle? That must pose risks.”
“Some people found out our secret that way, but none who would tell. They’re allies, and they have their own secrets to protect. Secrets we learned and could expose if they crossed us.” He stroked her hair. “I’m sorry you found out this way. I didn’t want that. It never occurred to me that one of my brothers would let it slip like that, so I thought I had time.” Time to rehearse what he’d say, plan where and when he’d tell her.
Her eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Did he let it slip on purpose?”
She was sharp, his woman. “I don’t know. It’s possible. I’ll find out for sure once I talk to him. Right now, I’m only interested in you.”
“I’m fine. Really. I mean, it was obviously a shock. But I can deal. I’m not going anywhere. It’s not like you drink blood for shits and giggles. Thatwouldbe weird.”
“Just weird?” he asked, feeling his lips twitch.
“Okay, weird and gross and the ultimate bad habit. Many other adjectives would also apply. But the truth is you have no choice.” She stared at him for long moments, a series of emotions flickering fast behind her eyes. “Do you have to feed tonight?”