Page 62 of Sweet Temptation
I called Dad’s number. He didn’t pick up after the first few rings, which was unusual for him. He always made time for me. What if Luca had decided to get rid of him too? It wasn’t a secret that Dad wasn’t his favorite. Marrying me off to Cassio was supposed to guarantee Dad’s position, but would Cassio really protect him? They didn’t like each other very much. Maybe for me, Cassio would put a good word in about my father.
Finally, Dad took the call, and I slumped in relief.
“Giulia, tonight’s not the best time for a call.”
“Are you all right? I heard what happened.”
Dad sighed. “I’m fine. I can’t deny it, it’s been disturbing to hear about Luca taking down one family member after the other, but I’ve never done anything that could be construed as betrayal.”
“What’s going to happen with Kiara? Have you heard anything?”
“Matteo contacted us and asked if we’d be willing to take her in.”
Dad’s voice made it clear that he wasn’t fond of the idea. “She needs a home and we’re family.”
“Your mother and I have worked hard to improve our family’s standing, taking in a traitor’s daughter could ruin all our efforts.”
“Dad,” I said, shocked. “She’s twelve. She’s innocent. Please don’t tell me you’ll refuse to take her in because of something her father did. That would be exceedingly cruel.”
Dad was silent for a moment. It wasn’t that I didn’t think him capable of cruelty, but he preferred not to appear that way in my eyes. “Luca might not give us much of a choice anyway. With the way things are going, disappointing him could be too risky.”
“Then don’t risk it and give Kiara a home.”
“How are things between Cassio and you?”
“They are?” Dad asked as if he didn’t trust his ears. It saddened me, knowing that he’d expected the worst from Cassio and had still given me to him.
“They are. Promise to call me as soon as you know more about Kiara, okay?”
“I will. Your mother wants a word with you.”
I stifled a sigh. Knowing Mom, she was probably alarmed the recent development with Kiara might kill her social standing, and that meant she was already planning how to take countermeasures—ones that usually involved me or Christian.
“Giulia, how are you?” The forced cheer in her voice confirmed my suspicions.
“Okay. A bit worried about Kiara.”
“When can your father and I expect a grandchild from you?”
All right. That was her plan. “Simona and Daniele are both young. Taking care of them takes up all my time and energy.”
“They aren’t yours, Giulia. You have to make clever decisions. Having a child of your own will solidify your position, especially if you have a boy who might become Underboss.”
“Daniele will be Underboss, Mom. And if I ever want a child, it won’t be for tactical purposes.” Cassio and I hadn’t discussed children yet. He’d insisted I take the pill, which I would have done anyway because I definitely didn’t want to get pregnant at the moment. I wanted to be the best mother for Daniele and Simona, and a third child wouldn’t make the task any easier.
“Now that you’re a wife, you can’t afford being naïve.”
I sighed. “I need to hang up now. Simona needs me.” I didn’t wait for her reply. Lowering the phone, I watched Daniele push the animal images in the picture book alongside Simona. The cacophony of meows, mooohs, and woof-woofs caused them to laugh. I leaned back with a smile. Every day, they captured more of my heart.
I tried to wait up for Cassio, but eventually I drifted off, awkwardly curled up in the armchair in front of the fireplace.
I wasn’t sure what time it was when cold hands touched my arm, jerking me out of my slumber. It was dark in the room except for the dying embers in the hearth dancing before my tired eyes. Cassio hovered over me, smelling of gunpowder, smoke, and whisky. “I told you not to wait for me.”
“What time is it?” I slurred, my tongue and muscles heavy.
I tried to make out Cassio’s face to connect the tense note in his voice to his expression, but the darkness concealed his features. Reaching out, I touched his arm. The crisp fabric of his shirt stuck to his skin. It was stiff against my fingertips, crusted with something. Cassio pulled out of my grasp with a sharp intake.
I was momentarily wide awake. “Cassio?”
I sat up and Cassio took a step back from me, out of my reach. “Go to bed, Giulia. Now.”
I stood, moving toward him. The dying embers didn’t give off enough light to see much, but part of his white shirt was dark. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
“Giulia, to bed. Now.”
“No. I’m not a child, I’m your wife, and I’m not going anywhere until I know you’re fine.”