Page 34 of Crimson Shifter
“I'm doing the best I can,” I admitted. “I don't know how to explain exactly what's going on, and I hope by the time we make it home with the information we need I’ll be able to bring you and the others up to speed. As of right now, I'm as lost as you.”
Zachariah was silent so long I thought the line had gone dead despite the magical properties of the wards Cassandra’s father had set up around this place giving it a technological push.
“We’ve managed to save six human families thanks to Cassandra’s abilities in identifying them as potentials for supernatural blood,” he finally said, changing the subject completely.
“At least that's some good news,” I said.
“It is,” he said.
“Any word on Samuel?” I asked despite knowing he would’ve led with that information.
“We caught whiff of him at the edge of the werewolf territory last week, but we were unsuccessful at locating him. Saint is on the rampage, worried that Samuel is doing what he did to Aurora and creating vampires in an attempt to throw us off his scent.”
“Shit,” I said, pacing near the body of water. “I should be there with you. I should be there helping?—”
“You are right where you need to be,” he cut me off. “The king needed you specifically and you’re obeying the king. This mission is vital to our overall success in what is now an interconnecting war. If we could without a doubt uncover Edward Zorin’s plans and eradicate him, it would be a deadly blow to the organization that’s fighting us at every turn.”
“Right,” I said, nodding to myself. He was right. “How is Warrick?”
“You're asking about the well-being of the other Zorin brother?”
I rolled my eyes. “Yes, I am,” I said. “From the way Cassandra tells it, he’s every inch the good that she is. And I know she's going to want to know how he's being treated.”
“Oh my gods,” Zachariah said. “Have you caught feelings for this female? That’s so unlike you.”
“Caught feelings?” I asked. “Have you been watching those reality shows with Ajax again?”
“Deflecting the question,” he countered. “I can't fucking believe it. You have feelings for Cassandra fucking Zorin. I know she's beautiful, but?—”
“She's more than beautiful,” I cut him off, my mouth running purely off instinct. I took a breath and calmed down. “And yes, I know how improbable it is. Like I said, I don't know how to explain it. She’s not what we originally thought her to be. She’s deliberately putting herself in the line of some really fucked upand abusive fire for achanceat getting us the information we need. Those are not the acts of a traitor. Those are not the acts of someone preparing to betray us.”
“Okay,” he said apologetically. “Okay. You know I'm with you. I support you. It's just hard when I’m not there to protect you.”
I laugh at that, shaking my head at our leader’s fatherly instincts. “I'm okay,” I said. “Confused, fuck yeah, but okay.”
“Well you can report back that Warrick is being treated like any other potential assassin.”
“So basically getting his ass handed to him during training but otherwise good.”
“Yes,” Zachariah answered.
“Good,” I said blowing out a breath. “I need to get back.”
“To Cassandra,” Zachariah clarified.
“To the estate,” I countered. “It's a long hike and dawn isn’t far away.”
“Well then by all meansrun,” Zachariah said, laughing softly before he hung up the phone.
I made the hike back in half the time it took me to get to the warded place, downhill always so much easier.
Cassandra was already in bed, sleeping soundly when I returned and that aching spot in my chest soothed at the sight of her supple body breathing gently beneath the covers.
She was safe.
She was unharmed.
I wasn't about to climb into that bed as sweaty and dirty as I was, so I took a quick shower before forgoing any clothes and just sliding in naked under the sheets.