Page 2 of Blackmailed Marriage
Also, he forced her to tell him her menstrual cycle, and he only appeared to do what was necessary to gain himself an heir. Once a month, he’d come back to his country home, have sex with her, and before the night was over, he’d leave.
Aria hated it.
She despised married life.
In the early days, his staff had hated her, and it made living at his country home one of the hardest experiences of her life. Living with her disappointed mother had been hard, brutal even. This was far worse.
At first, the staff completely ignored her. On top of that, it was like she was never there, which again was fine, but they also refused to cook any food for her. She had no choice but to sneak into the kitchen to make herself something. For a couple of weeks she would wait all day to get any food. Then, after awhile, she didn’t exactly know why, but suddenly they changed toward her. Food was presented to her, as was kindness, and life at the country home didn’t feel so horrible.
She glanced across the room and watched as Penelope Foxington walked right up to Dante, her husband, and put her claws on him.
Aria had no reason to be jealous. He wasn’t really hers,and if the last eight months had taught her anything, it was that her father had somehow arranged all this, or even blackmailed for this situation. She didn’t know how or what, or even why. Well, she could speculate.
It wasn’t news to her that she was plain and boring. All her life, her brothers had told her this, as had her mother and father. She’d been put on numerous diets, and there had even been an interesting trip to a potential plastic surgeon.
The only person who had never treated her coldly or seemed to care about her looks, was her older sister, Isabella, who was married with two children of her own.
Aria knew this was another problem for her father. After eight months, she still hadn’t gotten pregnant. It would seem in their world, a woman’s only task was to look stunning on her husband’s arm, and get pregnant, both of which she failed to do.
She almost burst out laughing at what a complete and total failure she was as a woman.
Instead, she couldn’t look away from Penelope who leaned in close. There were a lot of rumors surrounding her husband. Aria was a little terrified. He had the reputation for being the cruelest man within the Pesci family. These were all speculations which included the number of men he’d killed. Again, she didn’t know the truth. Either way, a man like Dante Gallo was not supposed to marry a woman like her.
“Are you okay?” her sister asked.
Aria was so shocked, she couldn’t control her relief at seeing her sister. “Isabella!” She threw her arms around her sister and hugged her tightly.
“I’ve missed you too.”
It had been a couple of months since she last saw her sister, and pulling away, there was concern in her eyes.
“Sorry, I know that was inappropriate,” she said.
“Don’t worry about it. You’ve got to stop looking over atyour husband. The whole family will be talking if they catch sight of you giving evil death stares to the woman.”
Aria smiled. “It’s fine. He’s probably enjoying her company.”
Isabella placed a hand on her shoulder. “That is unfortunately what happens.”
She looked at her sister and couldn’t help but seek out her own husband, but couldn’t seem to find him.
“My husband is attending to some business in one of the studies with one of the waitresses,” Isabella said. She held up her glass of champagne with a smile.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. If he gets his way tonight, it means I don’t have to deal with him. Marriage is something a woman in this world needs, but doesn’t necessarily enjoy.”
Aria watched her sister take a small sip of champagne, and couldn’t help but wonder how they had gotten here. Isabella was the opposite of her. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and for a long time, considered to be the most beautiful woman of a non-capo. There were a lot of men hoping to gain her attention. Her own marriage seemed perfect in comparison.
Other than his duties, Dante left her alone. She didn’t have to worry about extra attention from him. Even as Isabella started to talk to her about her niece and nephew, Aria couldn’t help but be drawn to Penelope and Dante.
She didn’t know if he was cheating on her. In their circles, as clearly her sister didn’t seem to care, it was only natural.
For many years growing up, Aria had fantasized about having a husband she could love, who would love her in return. That hope had faded as day after day, she was reminded it would be impossible for any man to love her. No man loved a plain woman. Men were only interested in beauty, and she had nothing.
Aria wondered not for the first time if she should just leave, or if it would cause too many problems.
She tucked some of her hair behind her ears and waited.