Page 14 of Twisted Heathens
“I’m not.”
Her voice lashes like a bolt of lightning. Unwavering with fury, she’s got strength beneath that weak, trembling exterior. I like that.
“No need to be so rude, I’m just being friendly,” Rio sneers. “You’ll learn that I’m kind of a big deal around here, so better cut it out with the attitude. Besides, you look out of place with these misfits. Especially this one.”
He jerks a finger in my direction. I’d love to cut it off and shove it down his throat until he chokes.
“Come join us at our table and we’ll show you a good time, yeah?”
“Nope,” Brooklyn replies.
“Excuse me?”
Rio is a prick, but he’s not someone to be messed with. Places like this run on respect and favours, the code of fellow imprisoned patients. Phoenix and Hudson have proven that with many black eyes in the past. But Brooklyn doesn’t care, turning that cold expression on him.
“I said no, fuckface. Now get lost before I become less friendly.”
Rio’s laugh is amused, like he’s enjoying the fight. I get the appeal, she’s a ballbuster and nobody really stands up to him anymore. He’s scared everyone into submission.
“I said come and sit with us. What part of that don’t you understand?”
When his fingers tighten on her chin, I see red. Before I can launch myself and punch his goddamn lights out, Brooklyn takes matters into her own hands. There’s an echoing crack, the blur of her fist sailing through the air. She’s got a mean right hook. Rather embarrassingly, it’s a huge turn on. The way she’s leaning over Rio, dominating the space and humiliating him in front of the whole canteen.
“Learn how to take no for an answer, you piece of shit,” Brooklyn spits at him. “Now get out of here before I embarrass you further, God knows your reputation can’t take another hit like that.”
Rio manages to stand, hand clasped over his bleeding face. “You’re a fucking psychopath!” he accuses. “What the hell? Dumb bitch.”
Brooklyn grins and it’s nothing like the shy smile I received. This one is dark and threatening, her eyes pinched and pupils darkened. Someone else entirely stands before us now, a side of her I’ve never seen.
“You bet. Don’t forget it. Annoy me again, and I’ll break your fucking leg.”
Rio and his back-up scramble before the guards catch wind of what happened and punish us all. The whole cafeteria is staring, but she doesn’t cower or back down. This girl is something else. A brutal alter-ego beneath the vulnerable surface. I’m beyond intrigued and hard just watching her.
“The hell are you all looking at?” Brooklyn bellows.
Gazes are averted and she keeps her head high until conversation resumes. I shift uncomfortably, my dick aching from its denim prison. The fire in her eyes and steel in her spine is incredible.
“Fuck, I think you might be my new favourite,” Phoenix gasps.
She laughs, returning to her half-eaten apple like nothing happened.
We’re in for trouble with this one.
I Fall Apart by Post Malone
“Along the hall, second door on the left.”
I nod my thanks to the receptionist, heading in the direction she’s pointing while mentally preparing for the torture ahead. I hate shrinks. Pretentious, overbearing assholes. Never met one who didn’t act like a pompous twat. Using their certificates and awards to tell you that you’re mentally fucked. Thanks, like I didn’t already know that. How kind of you to highlight my failures.
I reach the door at the end of the thickly carpeted hallway, name tagged with ‘Doctor Mariam Ashley, PhD’. Remember, play along. You know the lines.
Yes Doctor, I want to improve.
No, I don’t want to die.