Page 21 of Twisted Heathens
Keep it in. Keep it in. Fucking keep it in.
Phoenix comes close, hand stroking along my jaw. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying hard not to enjoy his touch. This was not part of the plan. No attachments or distractions from my goal, that’s the deal. What the hell am I doing here with him?
“Tell me,” he demands softly.
Phoenix’s breath tickles my face, far too close for comfort yet I can’t pull away. “You will tell me, Brooklyn,” he orders.
My eyes remain closed, so when his lips brush against mine for a tantalising second, it’s a complete shock. Featherlight and coaxing, the kiss lingers for a moment before he pulls away. It leaves me trembling and urgently wanting more.
“Changed your mind yet?”
I shake my head, managing to peek up at him. There’s frustration marked across his features, but he tries a reassuring smile, playing the good guy.
“You can trust me.”
“Not with this,” I reply.
But there’s something else he might be useful for.
Latching on to the distraction, I push him against the wall, trapping him with my body. This is insane, neither of us really knows the other. But I don’t give a damn. I’m on a one-way trip to the afterlife. This is just some in-flight entertainment.
“Hang on,” Phoenix begins to protest.
Silencing him with my lips, my arms wrap around his neck. My body is flush against his and within seconds he reciprocates, kissing me with urgency. His hands land on my hips, squeezing so tight I wince involuntarily. More. I need more. The thoughts are still too loud.
Reaching down his chiselled body, I find the hardness straining against his tight jeans. Someone’s pleased to see me. I’d forgotten the thrill of fooling around with another person. Phoenix moans against my mouth, teeth biting down on my chewed lip, breaking skin as blood flows between our clasped lips.
I’m so fucking turned on, everything else pales into insignificance. The tight grip of hysteria silently releases its hold and slinks back. His tongue flicks across the seam of my mouth, and I relent instantly. The kiss deepens, cool metal of a piercing sweeping through my mouth. Fuck, that feels incredible.
It’d feel even better elsewhere.
There’s a bang from outside, followed by high-pitched laughter and shouting. The moment is shattered as reality sneaks back in. We’re complete strangers in a classroom, going at it like horny high schoolers. What is wrong with me? Phoenix gradually pulls away, offering me a smirk. Dickhead.
“I’ve wanted to do that since you clocked Rio in the canteen yesterday.”
Almost like he can’t resist, he leans in and sucks on my bottom lip, where blood still trickles freely. Stealing it for himself, his eyes are hooded with unashamed desire. His finger swipes at the corner of my mouth to remove any evidence.
“Don’t think that I won’t be back to finish the job another time,” he breathes.
The grin that pulls at my lips is unfamiliar. What is this feeling? Satisfaction? Relief? My body feels light, like those blissful seconds after slicing my skin and watching the crimson river flow. It’s euphoric, like a fucking drug, and I’m already longing for another dose.
“Will you come to class now?” Phoenix asks.
The immediate refusal halts on my tongue. I no longer want to run, there’s no desire to hide back in my room and play with my blades until I can think clearly again. Something else has taken place here. An exchange of mutual darkness.
A different answer slips out instead.
“Yeah, I will. Lead the way.”
Serotonin by Call Me Karizma