Page 44 of Twisted Heathens
“H-how long?” I manage to say.
“Two weeks. Your lawyer has been giving us some trouble, missy.”
“My l-lawyer?”
Don’t fucking have one.
None of this makes sense. I just want to go back to sleep.
“Yes, lawyer. Frightfully rude gentleman from the city, they love to swan in here making demands. But we insisted on getting you into a healthy state before even considering a return to the general population. This is a mental health institution, after all. Treatment is our first priority, along with customer satisfaction.”
His smile is wide, almost savage, and it makes me uncomfortable. I need to argue back, to point out that drugging me to death isn’t treatment. It’s fucking sedation and abusing their power. Nothing about this is healthy. Not a damn thing.
“I w-want to go home.”
The plea slips out unbidden. My voice is cracked and reveals more emotion than I want anyone to see. I hate the vulnerability, but I’m in no place to play games right now. Then it hits me, straight in the motherfucking heart.
I don’t have a home.
The man smiles, nodding with what should be kindness, but looks more like fascination. It makes my skin crawl, the restrained curiosity so clear in his gaze. Like I’m just another social experiment ready to sacrifice for the cause.
“You’re clear to return back upstairs.” He beams at me proudly. “I’ll be taking over your treatment from now on. You’ll return to me once a week for your shot and therapy, not Mariam. She isn’t equipped to deal with your… specific challenges. I have more suitable experience.”
“Experience?” I stutter.
“Yes. We have lots to work on together. Exciting plans.”
Ice travels through my veins and I want to cry. Scream, refuse and flee from sight. Everything inside of me is saying this guy is bad news. But there’s no proof, no tangible evidence to suggest this isn’t another one of my delusions. I try to wrack my brains, but the two weeks are all a blur. A twisted, amorphous cloud in my psyche.
Just get back to the room.
Get away from this man, this floor. All of it.
He calls for the guard to return, giving him instructions to get me home safe. I can walk better now, but everything shakes and burns. Every muscle, unused to sudden movement after so long spent in a barred cot.
As we leave, I look back at the twisted little man for a final time, my heart hammering in my chest. I can’t hold the final question back.
“Who are you?”
He tips his head towards me, plastering a charming smile in place that would win over any jury. “Professor Lazlo, my dear. Pleasure to meet you properly. I look forward to our appointment next Monday morning. Do rest up, we have plenty to crack on with. Plenty.”
Cathedrals by Animal Flag
I kick the ball to Hudson a little harder than necessary. It goes sailing past him and out of the pitch, causing a round of complaints. He flips me off and chases after it, giving me a burst of satisfaction. Good. Just the sight of his face right now is too much to handle.
I’m not a particularly violent person. Words are better weapons than anything else. You can cut someone far deeper with the truth than any blade. But what he’s done? I’m pissed off. Hell, I’m fucking furious. Everything was going fine until he showed up and it all went to shit.
Two weeks.
Brooklyn’s been gone for two damn weeks. No matter what legal precedence is thrown at this place, she’s under the custody of the shrinks. Her life has been signed away to them. There’s not much else to be done, the attack on Hudson sealed her fate. With enough witnesses to verify what happened, even the fancy fucking lawyer from London couldn’t get her out of solitary.
I’m going crazy. This girl, she’s under my skin. I don’t know how or why, but knowing she’s in that basement, all alone…. it’s doing things to me. Causing feelings that I didn’t even think I was capable of.
Me and Eli tried to break in the other night. We nearly got tossed in there ourselves. Luckily I’m squeaky clean and he’s too fucking crazy to survive the hole, so we only got a warning. Regardless, if she isn’t back by the end of the weekend, we’re going back down there. Consequences be damned to hell. I’d happily kiss my spotless record goodbye for the chance to see her again.