Page 54 of Twisted Heathens
“What makes you think that bothers me?” I reply.
“You really are a piece of work, aren’t you?” He leans closer, deliberately trying to make me uncomfortable. “No wonder you have no fucking friends. Born alone, die alone, right? Good luck with that, crazy bitch.”
He seems to think that I have a heart to hurt.
He’s in for a fucking surprise.
I lick my lips and produce an amused smile. “I’d rather be alone than friends with the likes of you lot. Do you have any clue who Hudson really is? What he’s done? Check yourself before coming at me, dickhead. The grass ain’t always greener.”
“Hudson is a good guy… most of the time,” Phoenix defends.
I laugh and snatch up some papers, giving my hands a task rather than punching his pretty fucking face until he bleeds. “Right. And you accuse me of being full of bullshit.”
Apparently this hits a little too close to home, as he turns his head and dismisses me, sticking headphones in. I grind my teeth, mentally chanting to myself that I’ll be gone soon, no matter what it takes. I’ve got to get away from these guys and their petty little feelings. The sight of Hudson at my door reminded me of the price you pay for letting people get close.
No one’s allowed inside my dead heart. I won’t survive it.
They won’t survive it.
I get through the rest of class by ignoring everyone, doodling little nooses on the corners of my textbook. The list of materials I should be reading to catch up is lengthy, but I toss it in my bag without a second look. I don’t give a damn about this class, the exam or the assholes in charge of this circus. They can kiss my ass before I write a fucking essay.
“What are you…” Phoenix trails off, eyes on my book.
I quickly flip the pages and block the doodles from sight. He’s really pushing his luck. Just as I’m about to get my shit and storm out, a loud alarm begins to ring. It screams through the air and everyone starts moving, grabbing their bags.
Phoenix curses and begins jamming loose sheets of paper away, but my attention is focused on Eli.He’s hunched over, forehead pressed to the desk and hands clamped over his ears. I can see his body shaking from here, beneath the thick hoodie he wears like usual.
“Come on, it’s a fire drill,” Phoenix orders.
I ignore him completely, briefly debating with myself before walking to Eli’s side. I can help him out without caring, right? Running my hand down his spine, he stiffens instantly, face peeking to the side. Terror dances in his eyes as he stares, silently begging for help. Just like I did in that graveyard, where he obliged without question.
I offer him a tentative hand. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Eli pauses for a moment, utterly detached and controlled by his fear. I don’t look away, waiting for him to gather some semblance of strength. When his fingers link with mine, I offer him a small smile.
"Trust me," I say simply.
I wait an eternity for his eventual nod.
Together we head out of the classroom and down the polished staircase, taking the steps two at a time. Out here, the alarm rings even louder, and Eli clutches my hand painfully tight. When the first hint of smoke whispers through the air, we move faster, practically running to escape. The air’s getting thick, the acrid scent of burning growing stronger.
“Just a drill, huh?” I hiss at Phoenix..
“How was I supposed to know that it’s real?”
Suddenly, Eli’s hand is ripped from mine and I stumble, crashing into Phoenix’s back. He steadies me before I topple down the stairs and we both turn back. Eli’s crouched down, head lowered and hidden from sight, arms wrapped around his body as the trembling intensifies.
“Oh man…” Phoenix sighs.
“What is it?”
“He doesn’t do fire. Fuck, okay.”
Lowering to his level, Phoenix slides a finger under Eli’s chin, tilting his head just enough so that their eyes can meet. Their lips are inches apart, faces intimately close. “I’ve got you, E. I’m not leaving you,” he promises.
Eli stares without breathing, the ingrained mistrust clear.
“You’re not alone, buddy,” Phoenix adds. “Come on.”