Page 6 of Twisted Heathens
Gesturing around at the expanse of grass and perfect gardens, it’s peppered with picnic tables and old-school street lamps that cast an orange glow. More cobbled pathways snake outwards, leading to further dated buildings in the distance. It feels like we’ve stepped back in time a few hundred years, I almost expect a horse and carriage to appear at any moment.
“What about the rest of it?” I ask.
“I’ll show you around first thing in the morning. You must be tired.”
I nod, biting my lip. Why am I interested in seeing it anyway? Nothing could possibly keep me here for a second longer. It doesn’t matter how nice this place appears to be.
Kade clears his throat. “So, what brings you to Blackwood?”
We walk down the central path, heading towards a glowing building in the distance. Towers twist around the roof, with arched windows and more accentuated brick. The gothic noire theme seems to be a permanent feature around here.
“Brooklyn?” he presses.
I didn’t answer for a reason, smartass.
With another sigh, he continues regardless. “Well, hopefully you’ll like it here. The teaching is decent and there’s plenty to do. Your three years will fly by, I’m sure.”
Does this guy ever stop fucking talking? I couldn’t care less about the teaching. I certainly won’t make it three years. His honey-smooth voice is managing to grate on me. I’m conditioned to silence now, rather than casual conversation.
“I’ve been here eighteen months. It’s not bad really.”
“Look,” I interrupt, “as much as I appreciate the thought, can we not talk? Clearview sucked, and this place will too. Your guards have already humiliated me enough for one night. There’s nothing else to say, so just show me to my room and fuck off, yeah?”
Hold it in.
You can lose it in private. Keep breathing.
“Sure,” he mutters as we climb the steps to the dorms.
Upon entering the building, we’re blasted with warmth. Polished chequered floors, rich panelled walls and more ugly paintings surround me. Admittedly, it’s rather nice. Kind of like a stately home or something. A far cry from the white walls and linoleum floors of my last prison. I mean hospital.
Kade pauses to inspect the paperwork. “Looks like you’re on the fourth floor.”
“Key card?” I stick out my palm.
Hazel eyes resembling pools of molten caramel flecked with green stare back at me. Eventually, Kade surrenders the key card and a collection of information booklets. “You need a photo taken for your ID.”
“Tomorrow, right? I’ll be there.”
My skin is tight and prickly, a sure warning sign that I need to be alone. I’ve had more interaction today than in ten months at Clearview. My brain can’t deal with it all. The need to hide increases, my fingers spasming.
“You don’t have any questions? Nothing?”
“Nope. Night, Kade.”
Turning my back in dismissal, I grab my single bag and hightail it up the nearby stairs, taking them two at a time. Faster, move it. Don’t let him see you crumble. That’s private, nobody is allowed to see your vulnerability. Weakness equals exploitation in places like this.
By the time I round the corner, Kade’s annoyed face disappears. Relief loosens my chest, breathing coming a little easier. I continue to sprint upwards, shuffling through the paperwork as I go. Room 20. Single occupancy, thank fuck. Having a roommate will only complicate matters if I’m going to succeed in my plans.
I’m panting by the time I reach my door, glancing down the corridor lit by traditional sconces on dark brocade wallpaper. Somewhere in the distance, angry rap music blares. There’s shouting coming from behind one of the doors, followed by a heavy bang.
“Get the fuck out, now!”
A deep voice roars as a half-naked blonde is shoved out, the door quickly slamming shut in her face. “You’re a sick bastard, Hudson!” she screeches, kicking the wood in frustration.
I fumble with the key card, trying to unlock the door. It takes too long and I can feel her eyes on me as she turns, gathering the clothes tossed at her feet. Glancing up is a mistake, the scowl thrown my way burns like acid.
“The fuck you looking at? Freak.”