Page 66 of Twisted Heathens
“None of that public hospital shit here. We’re in the big leagues, baby.”
Phoenix grabs my hand and directs me towards the back, passing Teegan who gives me a wink from her spot next to her date. Eli trails close behind and we take the uppermost corner, where two beanbags sit unoccupied. Everyone seems to be spreading out automatically into what must be their usual places.
“Gotta bribe us to behave somehow, right? It’s all an act,” Phoenix informs me. “You only get compliance if you keep the masses happy with treats. Don’t be fooled by it.”
He takes one of the beanbags and sprawls out, offering me a hand. His fingers curl inwards to beckon me closer. “Don’t be shy. I don’t bite.” He bares his teeth in a way that has my thighs clenching together. “Not much, anyway. Come play with us.”
I end up sandwiched between the pair of them, my ass occupying both bags simultaneously. Phoenix slings his arm around my shoulders straight away as I shiver. Why’s he making it so damned hard to stay uninvolved?
“You okay?” I whisper to Eli, noting the tense muscle twitching in his neck.
His eyes slide over to me, followed by a tiny nod of his head. I want to ask more, but a smartly dressed, middle-aged woman strolls in, flanked by two guards that look deadly serious, hands resting on batons strapped to their belts.
Phoenix’s lips touch my ear. “That’s the warden, Miss Elizabeth White. You don’t see her around much, even though she’s in charge. Just gets others to do her dirty work.”
Miss White looks like a fucking sadist in her neatly pressed pant suit, with hair scraped back in a severe bun that highlights her cruel face. She strides to the front of the room, arms folded and heeled foot tapping impatiently.
“Attention Oakridge residents. This is just a reminder that only orderly conduct is permitted in this room. Don’t try any funny business. After the events of this week, my patience is wearing thin. Any illicit activities will be swiftly punished, no more verbal warnings. Am I making myself clear?” she barks.
I swear her eyes stray to us, clocking our position at the back of the room. Eli tenses beside me, his leg jiggling to expel nervous energy. I lay a hand on his denim-clad thigh, silently urging him to take a breath.
“Taggert and Jackson will be staying behind to keep an eye on things,” Miss White adds, gesturing to the two unfriendly guards. “Abuse this privilege and it will be taken away. Enjoy the film.”
She turns on her heel and stalks away, the two guards shutting the door behind her. They station themselves there with a perfect view of the room, studying us intently in what is clearly a shitty intimidation tactic.
Phoenix curses. “They’ll be watching us in the bathroom soon too.”
I stifle the urge to laugh in his pretty face. “You’re all too fucking spoiled around here; back where I came from, a bathroom door was a rare commodity.”
I swear I see the ghost of a smile on Eli’s lips, like he knows exactly what I’m talking about, but my attention is stolen by Phoenix’s breath against my skin. “Well, we’re not all a hardened badass like you. Excuse me for wanting some privacy when I shit.”
“Charming. Thanks for that image.”
“You started it.”
We continue to bicker playfully as the credits roll, some stupid sci-fi movie coming onto the screen. Everyone seems pretty happy about it as they settle in, but I shoot Phoenix an incredulous look. “Thought you got something decent on?”
“Hey, it’s usually kids shit. This is the best I could do.”
We lapse into silence as the movie plays, and all I can feel is the suffocating warmth of their bodies around me. My hand still rests on Eli’s leg and at some point he adds his, drawing lazy circles on my skin. Phoenix isn’t much better, snuggling his body close to mine until we’re practically spooning. His muscular legs fit perfectly around mine, and something suspiciously firm is nudging my lower back.
“Problem?” Phoenix asks.
His hand brushes my hip as he continues to toy with me. I exact my revenge by wiggling my ass, his erection grinding into me as I hear him gasp.
“Nope, just getting comfortable. Thanks for asking.” I beam.
“Quit moving then. You’re killing me.”
I’m killing him? I feel like I may actually melt into a puddle at any moment. It’s been far too long since my steamy kiss with Phoenix or the graveyard tryst with the silent man on my left. I’m not ashamed to admit that I want them both, who fucking cares? Life is short and I intend to make it even shorter. May as well enjoy it while I can.
By halfway through the movie, I’m ready to combust. The guards have long since gotten comfortable and are both focused entirely on the screen now. Being at the back gives us the perfect privacy, and Phoenix takes the opportunity to snake a hand up my sweater, his fingertips gliding across my ribs. He rubs a thumb over my nipple, which is hard as a pebble even through the thin material of my bra.
“Not ignoring me now, are you?” he says softly, teeth nibbling on my earlobe. “You’ve been a complete bitch this week, firecracker. Think that deserves a punishment, don’t you?”
His tongue is hot on my neck, tracing down until it reaches my clavicle.
“I don’t ignore you anyway,” I moan.