Page 91 of Twisted Heathens
I tug my dress up a little higher, glancing around to ensure no one is watching. All my inhibitions have vanished under the influence. All I can think about is him bending me over and fucking me right here, right now in the ass. Regardless of those watching.
“Nothing. Just having some fun. Got a problem with that?”
“Hell no,” he answers quickly.
Concealed from sight by the packed bodies on the dance floor, Phoenix’s hand meets my wet pussy, tracing the damp cotton of my panties. His teeth nibble my earlobe as I moan, shifting my ass against his crotch even harder.
“Jeez, have you been body snatched or something?”
I spin to face him, finally meeting his eyes through my thick lashes. He studies me, lips parted. He’s seconds away from kissing me when the penny finally drops. His expression hardens in an instant, all playfulness dissipating.
“Christ… are you fucking high?” he hisses.
Running my hand over his hard pecs, I roll my eyes rather than replying. The urge to laugh hysterically bubbles up and I can’t help but giggle, only infuriating him further.
“I knew it. Your eyes look like flying saucers. Dammit, Brooke!”
Hand latching around my wrist, he forcibly drags me through the packed bodies, no matter how loudly I protest. I’m still laughing, hilarious tears fighting to break free.
“Niiiix, don’t be a bore. Let’s dance and then fuck, hmm?” I coax. Yanking my hand free and planting my feet, he’s almost yanked off balance. “You know you want to.”
His hand tightens on my chin, jerking my head up. “You’re a fucking mess. I don’t do drugs anymore, you should damn well know that. Come on, let’s get you some water.”
I’m guided over to the back corner where the kitchens are open. Kade’s dressed as the grim reaper and talking to some staff members, soaking up the appreciation for his party planning. As soon as we approach, his white painted face drops and Phoenix jerks his head towards the kitchen.
“Ah, excuse me. Just need to check on dessert,” Kade lies easily.
He jogs over to us and grabs my other arm, effortlessly smiling to direct any suspicion away. Between the two of them, I’m muscled through the doorway and straight out back.
Eli’s head shoots up from where his nose is buried in a book. He looks fucking rough, even in my blurry vision. Far gaunter and paler compared to the last time I saw him, like Caspar the ghost minus any costume.
“What on earth is going on?” Kade demands.
Phoenix deposits me in a peeling armchair, letting out a huff. “What’s going on is Brooklyn is fucking stoned. I had to get her out of there. Look at the state of her!”
“Not stoned,” I correct, raising my brow at him. “I don’t do weed.”
Eli stares at me wordlessly, quickly tossing his book aside. His dark eyes scan my face and he frowns, as if trying to bury beneath the surface. Meanwhile Kade yanks at his hair in exasperation, unable to even look at me, and Phoenix curses colourfully.
“Why are you all being such grumpy assholes? Isn’t this a party?” I pout.
Wobbling to my feet, I tug my skimpy dress back down to cover my bare thighs. Kade finally looks at me, eyes bouncing over my bare skin with a visible gulp.
“Thanks for the dress.” I invade his space, giving him a wonky smile.
His hands run over my shoulders and down my mottled arms. I don’t miss the way he catalogues the devastation across my skin, both new and old. His eyes flick over my shoulder to where Eli sits before he turns that stern expression back on me.
“What have you taken?”
“None of your business,” I hit back.
“I’m being serious, Brooklyn. You can’t just do what you want around here.”
“Says who? Nobody gives a damn either way.”
Kade pushes me into a chair. “Says me, alright?”
I shove his attentive hands away. “News flash. I can do whatever the fuck I like, when I like, and there’s nothing you guys can do about it.” I flick my eyes over Phoenix and Eli, including them in the sentiment. “Stop trying to pull me into your fucked-up little family dynamic here. I’m done.”