Page 98 of Twisted Heathens
“We need to talk about Brooklyn,” I state simply.
Hudson runs a hand through his wild bed head, eyes lowering shiftily. He steps further into the corridor and tugs the door shut behind him, dropping his voice. “Look, now is not a good time, and frankly there’s nothing to talk about. She’s a big girl.”
“Did you find her last night? Talk some sense into her?”
Phoenix snorts. “Yeah right. She won’t listen to anyone, least of all him.”
The sound of someone throwing up and a toilet flushing echoes from inside his room, all of our eyes widening. Phoenix smirks, far too amused.
“Knew you wouldn’t stay away from Britt for long. Looks like we’re interrupting Hud’s morning delight, boys,” he taunts.
I peer suspiciously around the corner, but Hudson blocks my view. I knew telling him about the court case was a mistake, I just didn’t think it would send him running back to that toxic bitch. I’m about to lecture him when the door swings open fully. I think all of our jaws drop in unison.
“Oh shit,” Brooklyn exclaims.
She’s standing there in Hudson’s t-shirt and nothing else. I can see the curve of her breasts through the material, hanging low enough to cover her ass while leaving her luscious legs on display. Hudson looks at me, clearly trying to communicate something. The three of us remain silent, utterly bemused by the sight of her, looking significantly worse for wear, inside of Hudson’s bedroom.
Eli’s the first to react, simply turning and striding away. Not a single word but his steps are heavy with annoyance. Brooklyn watches him go regretfully, the pain shuttering her eyes. I feel Phoenix shift next to me, straightening and folding his strong arms across his chest.
“I see. Well, this is cosy,” he comments snidely.
Brooklyn narrows her eyes at him. “Talk some sense into me? That’s why you sent him after me? Fucking mature. Didn’t we discuss this issue last night?”
I force a controlled smile, attempting to level with her stubborn ass. “We were worried about you, that’s all. Will you come to breakfast so we can all talk?”
Laughing under her breath, Brooklyn grabs her belongings and slips straight past all three of us, heading back towards her room. I cast Hudson an unimpressed glare and follow hot on her tail.
“Wait, just hear me out. We only want to help,” I call.
“Leave me alone. Like I said, I don’t want or need your help.”
“But you’ll happily fuck our friend?” Phoenix retorts.
She swivels, casting him a furious glower. I’m just about to try and de-escalate the situation when Phoenix grabs her wrist and pulls her close, fingers tilting her chin up.
“You’re playing a dangerous game here, firecracker. Don’t start something you’re not going to finish. Hudson’s not the only one that’s involved here.”
She smacks his hand away, scoffing incredulously. “Since when is it any of your business who I fuck?” Her lips spread into a slow, twisted smile. “You jealous?”
Phoenix meets her challenge, shrugging nonchalantly. “You asked for it. All bets are off.”
What exactly does that mean? She’s tearing our group apart at the seams and fucking loving every second of it. I’ve got to intervene and stop this before it’s too late and the damage is irreversible. We can’t be undone by a screwed-up chick with zero morals.
Grabbing Phoenix’s arm, I muscle him away. “Leave it. We’re going.”
Brooklyn watches us as we head back down the corridor, leaving a half-naked Hudson to return to his room. Her door slams when we reach the stairs, and I finally release Phoenix.
“What the hell, man?”
“I was doing you a favour.” I shrug.
“Don’t get involved. She’s slept with both Eli and Hudson, and you’re just okay with that? Seriously?” He throws his hands up angrily. “I can’t just ignore my feelings.”
Phoenix storms away, abandoning me and returning to our room. I’m left alone on the stairs, entirely frustrated and unsure of how we even got to this point. We’re fighting like children over a fucking girl, some nobody that strolled in here like she owns the place and doesn’t give a shit about hurting us.
I can’t lose them.
None of us will survive this place alone.